Who Is Running for Prosecutor and Sheriff in Maryland in 2022?


Prosecutors and sheriffs are key local officials in Maryland who can shape policies on sentencing, policing, and other criminal justice policies. In 2022, all Maryland counties, as well as the city of Baltimore, will vote for these officials.

Below are the candidates who are running for state’s attorney and sheriff. The list is updated as of information provided by the state’s board of election on July 28.

The state held its primaries on July 19. The general election is on Nov. 8.

Prosecutor candidatesSheriff candidates
Allegany CountyJames F. Elliott (R, inc.)Craig Robertson (R, inc.)
Anne Arundel CountyAnne Colt Leitess (D, inc.)Joe Delimater (R, lost primary)
Jim Fredericks (R, inc.)
James H. McNeill (R, lost primary)
Warren Darlington Porter, Jr. (R, lost primary)
Everett Sesker (D)
Baltimore CountyJames Haynes (R)
Deborah Hill (R, lost primary)
Robbie Leonard (D)
Scott Shellenberger (D, inc.)
R. Jay Fisher (D, inc.)
Andy Kuhl (R)
Al Roberts (D, lost primary)
Baltimore CityIvan Bates (D)
Roya Hanna (Ind., dropped out)
Marilyn Mosby (D, inc., lost primary)
Thiru Vignarajah (D, lost primary)
Sam Cogen (D)
John Anderson (D, inc.)
Calvert CountyBob Harvey (R, inc.)
Rick Piereck (D)
Ricky Cox (R)
Vaughn “Jay” Johnson (D)
Craig W. Kontra (R, lost primary)
Dave McDowell (R, lost primary)
Mike Wilson (R, lost primary)
Caroline CountyJoe Riley (R, inc.)Donnie Baker (R)
Tim Crook (D)
Daniel J. Franklin (R, lost primary)
Steve Stouffer (R, lost primary
Carroll CountyDavid Ellin (R, lost primary)
Haven Shoemaker (R)
Jim DeWees (R, inc.)
Cecil CountyJames Dellmyer (R, inc.)Scott A. Adams (R, inc.)
Bilton Morgan (R, lost primary)
Charles CountyAnthony “Tony” Covington (D, inc.)Troy Berry (D, inc.)
Derek L. Larsen (D, lost primary)
Dorchester CountyMolly Fox (R, lost primary)
Amanda Rae Leonard (R)
Kisha Petticolas (D)
Kenneth Thalheimer (R, lost primary)
James W. Phillips, Jr. (R, inc.)
LeRoi Robinson-Grant (D)
Frederick CountyCharlie Smith (R, inc.)Karl Bickel (D)
Chuck Jenkins (R, inc.)
Daniel Thomas McDowell (D, primary)
Garrett CountyJustin Gregory (R)
Lisa Thayer Welch (R, inc.: lost primary)
Bryson Meyers (R)
Skyler Hebden (Ind.)
Harford CountyAlison M. Healey (R)
Albert Peisinger (R, inc.: lost primary)
Jeffrey R. Gahler (R)
Howard CountyRich Gibson (D, inc.)John Francis McMahon (R)
Marcus Harris (D, inc.)
Kent CountyBryan DiGregory (D, inc.)Dennis W. Hickman, Jr. (R)
Montgomery CountyTom DeGonia (D, lost primary)
John McCarthy (D, inc.)
Bernice Mireku-North (D, lost primary)
Perry Paylor (D, lost primary)
Robert Bass (D, lost primary)
Maxwell Cornelius Uy (D)
Prince George’s CountyAisha Braveboy (D, inc.)John D.B. Carr (D)
Elliott W. Gibson (D, lost primary)
Dave Grogan (D, lost primary)
Sylvester E. Jones, Sr. (D, lost primary)

Loralyn Mayo (D, lost primary)
Queen Anne’s CountyLance G. Richardson (R, inc.)Gary Hofmann (R, inc.)
Saint Mary’s CountyRichard Fritz (R, inc.: lost primary) Jaymi Sterling (R)Todd Fleenor (R, lost primary)
Steve A. Hall (R)
John O’Connor (R, lost primary)
Somerset CountyWess Garner (R, inc.)Ronald Howard (R, inc.)
Marion Lee Brumley (R, lost primary)
Talbot CountyJoseph Coale (R)
Ellen Barry Grunden (D)
Joe Gamble (R, inc.)
Washington CountyGina M. Cirincion (R)Brian Albert (R): primary is too close to call
Greg Alton (R, lost primary)
Jim Hosinger (R): primary is too close to call
Bill Williams (Ind.)
Wicomico CountyJames L. “Lee” Britt (R, lost primary)
Jamie Dykes (R, inc.)
Mike Lewis (R, inc.)
Worcester CountyKris Heiser (R, inc.)Jeffrey Buhrt (R, lost primary)
Matthew Crisafulli (R, inc.)