Template:Requested translations
There are many important Commons pages, category descriptions and file descriptions in need of translation not listed here. A file appearing here does not mean it is in higher priority for translation than other files. Any local category will have plenty of files needing either a description in the local language or in English.
Do not add files here just because a translation would be nice, but only where you need the translation or the translation would be especially helpful (for instance, a Japan-related file needing a description in Japanese). There are millions of files in need of translations.
Use title format ==={{language|de}} to {{language|en}}===
, list these alphabetically.
Please add new requests to the bottom for each language.
When a translation has been made, the request should be archived at Template:Completed translations and deleted from this page.
Arabic to English
[edit]- File:مائة جنيه فلسطيني.TIF - When you do English, request Hebrew for this image
- File:خارطة فلسطين.png (placenames on map etc)
- File:An Al Qaida recruit dreams about Osama bin Laden.jpg (Contents of the actual letter) WhisperToMe (talk) 13:44, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
- File:Portsmouth harbour 07 (8009880285).jpg – Please identify the hull number on this ship. The script appears to be Arabic so I put the request here. De728631 (talk) 17:41, 12 April 2015 (UTC)
- File:Ship Harbor.jpg Ship's name please. Broichmore (talk) 14:43, 14 August 2019 (UTC)
- File:Rashid For Wiki-35.jpg Broichmore (talk) 14:52, 14 August 2019 (UTC)
Czech to English
[edit]Chinese to English
[edit]- File:Banning of POJ.gif - the text in the image only - transcribe the text in Chinese, then translate it into English
- All pictures in Category:Republic of China Army Special Force Team
- The inscriptions in the left upper und left lower corner of File:Map-Qing Dynasty 1820.jpg. Please translate it also to Chinese text and give me a note. Thanks --Furfur ⁂ Diskussion 16:47, 25 November 2018 (UTC)
- 'National Museum of Prehistory' (Q1540258):
Chinese to Wu
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 04:36, 12 October 2012 (UTC)
Danish to English
[edit]Dutch to English
[edit]- File:Allegorie op de Nederlandse overwinningen op zee tijdens de Tweede Engelse Oorlog, 1654 De Zeegepralende Neederlandse Zee Helden (titel op object), RP-P-OB-77.987.jpg (internal content). French asked for separately. Broichmore (talk) 12:57, 2 March 2020 (UTC)
Dutch to Indonesian
[edit]French to English
[edit]- File:Deniker's Races de l'Europe (1899).jpg (internal content)
Please help translate the subtitles from this video of the Mill workshop of Sèvres manufacture from french to english : TimedText:Manufacture_nationale_de_Sèvres_Atelier_du_Moulin_2013.webm.fr.srt
German to Arabic
[edit]- File:Bundesarchiv B 145 Bild-P115717, Berlin, Besuch ägyptischer Präsident Mubarak.jpg -
After English is made,request for Arabic and Egyptian Arabic/Masry
German to English
[edit]- File:Burning of Sodomites.jpg - Transcribe the writing on the page, translate to Modern German and English
- I think the resolution of this image is too low to read the script. De728631 (talk) 10:07, 2 January 2017 (UTC)
- File:Lebensmittel Karikatur, item 1.jpg
- File:Timor Sprache.jpg - After English description is made, request for Portuguese and Tetum descriptions
- File:Straubing norden 1630.jpg - Partially done: Text of German and Latin inscription added. --Achim (talk) 11:49, 4 July 2015 (UTC)
- File:Arbat-map.png - The whole file needs to be translated. The new file and the original file need English descriptions. Any Russian files also need English descriptions.
- File:Einschienerp.jpg
- File:Sprachenkarte Mitteleuropas (1937).png - Used in four articles on the English Wikipedia - at least the languages in the key, the footnotes, and the title, should be translated into English.
- File:RafaleSpectra.png
- File:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-C0509-0049-006, KZ Treblinka, Wehrmacht-Frachtbrief.jpg
German to Russian
[edit]- File:Arbat-map.png - The whole file needs to be translated. The new file and the original file need Russian descriptions. Any English files also need Russian descriptions.
Done --TenderTiger (talk) 11:35, 24 March 2021 (UTC)
French to English
[edit]- The category Category:Object (Naruto) and all images within, and all subcategories and their images WhisperToMe (talk) 21:10, 10 October 2010 (UTC)
- Please create Template:By courtesy of Quatre jours de Dunkerque 2014/en based on Template:By courtesy of Quatre jours de Dunkerque 2014/fr. --jdx Re: 19:38, 15 July 2016 (UTC)
- Please translate File:Allegorie op de Nederlandse overwinningen op zee tijdens de Tweede Engelse Oorlog, 1654 De Zeegepralende Neederlandse Zee Helden (titel op object), RP-P-OB-77.987.jpg (internal content). Dutch asked for separately
Gujarati to English
[edit]- File:38 39.......000.Audichya Sashtra Brahmin's Gotra,Parva,Ved,Sakha,Mahadev,Ganesh,Bhirav,Sarma Detail.jpg and ~30 other pages
Can anyone find out what this text is about, title and author? --Robot Monk (talk) 16:31, 20 April 2012 (UTC)
Hebrew to English
[edit]- File:V03p128a01 Ketubah.jpg - The contents of the image need the text in Hebrew inputted, *and* there needs to be an English translation WhisperToMe (talk) 08:12, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
- File:NgadaStrongholdPlaque.jpg - Can someone translate the content of this sign? Thank you very much in anticipation! --Katharinaiv (talk) 06:22, 23 November 2016 (UTC)
- Please translate the texts in the images below and update image descriptions accordingly. Thanks, Altenmann (talk) 01:16, 28 February 2024 (UTC)
- File:Chelm synagogue stove.png
- File:Chelm-moon.jpg
- File:Chelmers on mountain.png
- File:Sack of fools.png - Here you probably don't have to translate the whole text, just something reasonable to use in the image description, e.g., the summary of the joke. Altenmann (talk) 01:16, 28 February 2024 (UTC)
Hungarian to English
[edit]- File:Szarajevói merénylők útvonala 1914.svg -- after translating from Hungarian to English, please replace Hungarian with English version on English Wikipedia article wikipedia:Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand#Tunnel
- File:Szarajevói fegyverek útvonala 1914.svg -- after translating from Hungarian to English, please replace Hungarian with English version on English Wikipedia article wikipedia:Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand#Tunnel
Italian to English
[edit]- Commons:Help_desk#salve_sonoun_paracadutista_della_folgore.2Cmorrei_capire_di_pi.C3.B9_di_questo_sito.2Cma_haim.C3.A8_non_ho_il_tempo_messomi_adisposizione_per_farlo.2C_contattemi_via_mail.2Cio_vi_rispondo_di_sicuro Can someone with fluent Italian please take a look at this and see if there is a proper question here? - Jmabel ! talk 00:24, 23 October 2013 (UTC)
- File:VE Pieta.JPG I've added a transcription of the inscription, plus my own translation into English, but I'm not too confident in it, so I'd appreciate if a native Italian speaker could check it. Hairy Dude (talk) 20:37, 30 April 2014 (UTC)
Japanese to English
[edit]- File:24directions.png
- File:Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo - Akihabara - Dec 13 2014.ogv (subtitles in Japanese should be made, and then those subtitles should be translated into English)
- File:Dobutsugaku zasshi (IA dobutsugakuzassh26niho).pdf - Please list and transscribe the names of the individual authors in this journal.
Korean to English
[edit]latin to English
[edit]Norwegian to English
[edit]Polish to English
[edit]Polish to English and Russian
[edit]Portuguese to English
[edit]- File:Docteur Piron - Batîment nègrier mouillé a côté de la frégate dans la rade de Ste. Croix.JPG -Broichmore (talk) 15:20, 25 April 2019 (UTC)
Russian to English and/or German and/or French and/or Polish
[edit]- File:3th line VO 20 SPB.jpg There is only a russian description. By the way, the file name must be moved to File:3rd line VO 20 SPB.jpg or better descriptive name. --Diwas (talk) 11:34, 17 September 2011 (UTC)
- Done. Rarkenin (talk) 15:46, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- File is moved now finally. --Bjarlin (talk) 23:29, 1 December 2015 (UTC)
Done --TenderTiger (talk) 11:15, 24 March 2021 (UTC)
- File is moved now finally. --Bjarlin (talk) 23:29, 1 December 2015 (UTC)
- Done. Rarkenin (talk) 15:46, 24 February 2012 (UTC)
- File:Votic_language_map.png - Image labels to English.
- File:Putin addresses the military mutiny of the Wagner Group.webm - the file is frankly not helpful if readers cannot understand what Putin is exactly stating. Knightoftheswords281 (talk) 17:21, 25 June 2023 (UTC)
Spanish to English
[edit]Spanish to English
[edit]Please double check the following proposed addition to Commons:Licensing regarding Cuban copyright law. I'm neither an expert on law nor an expert translator.
According to [1]:
- Chapter IX, Article 43: copyright extends for the life of the author plus 50 years, with specific exceptions. For collaborative works, copyright extends 50 years from the death of each author. The term of 50 years begins from the following January 1 after the author passes away.
- Chapter IX, Article 45: in cases of unknown or anonymous authorship, copyright extends 50 years from the date of first publication. If the identity of the author becomes known, then rights extend for the author's life plus 50 years.
- Chapter IX, Article 46: Copyright hold by Juristic people is illimited, heritable and falling back to the State in case of dissolution.
- Chapter IX, Article 47: for photographic works (or analogous procedures) and applied arts, copyright extends for 25 years.
- Chapter IX, Article 48: at its expiration, a work can be declared as owned by the State by the Council of Ministers
Thanks, Durova 05:36, 17 January 2008 (UTC)
- I added articles 46 and 48. The translation is ok, but note that articles 43, 45 and 47 hold a note "Modified by executive order (Decreto Ley) #156/94" so the actual dates may differ from that law's. Mark anywhere that it applies from 1977 (it derogates previous laws from 1979-1880 but they might hold for works previous to 1977). Platonides 15:55, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
And a second one for Panamanian copyright law:
According to[2]:
- Title I SAW: Duration and Limits, Chapter 1, Duration, Article 42: copyright extends 50 years from the death of the author. For collaborative works, copyright duration extends 50 years from the death of the last coauthor.
- Title I SAW: Duration and Limits, Chapter 1, Duration, Article 43: for anonymous or pseudonymous works, copyright lasts 50 years from the date of its publication unless the author reveals his or her identity before that period lapses. If the author reveals his or her identity during this time then article 42 applies.
Durova 20:20, 17 January 2008 (UTC)
It would be handy if the Spanish law was put on Spanish Wikisource and a translation was started on English Wikisource. John Vandenberg 02:10, 18 January 2008 (UTC)
- File:Complejo39.gif
- File:Exponiendo.jpg
- File:Movilero-TyC-Sports.JPG
- File:T1p311a.JPG - Porfirio Diaz's resignation letter, text inside. WhisperToMe (talk) 03:01, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
English to Abkhazian
[edit]- File:Dmitry Medvedev address on 26 August 2008 regarding Abkhazia & South Ossetia.ogg (Description, and you can add Abkaz subtitles translated from the original Russian) WhisperToMe (talk) 20:56, 5 April 2013 (UTC)
English to Acehnese
[edit]- File:Crop harvest in Indonesia.jpg
- File:Ie Beuna Narit Aceh.JPG
- File:COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Groepsportret met Cut Nyak Dhien de vrouw van Teuku Umar na haar gevangenneming TMnr 10018822.jpg
- File:COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Mekkagangers uit Aceh met twee Wakils in het Nederlandse Consulaat in Jeddah TMnr 10001259.jpg
- File:Free Aceh Movement women soldiers.jpg
- File:Tjoet Nya' Dhien.jpg
- File:Teuku Daud Beureueh.jpg
- File:Cut Nyak Dhien portrait.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 19:11, 1 March 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 16:04, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Afrikaans
[edit]- File:Dmitry Medvedev in China 14 April 2011-2.jpeg
- History of South Africa - Images and section names
- File:South African Airways Boeing 747-200 Aragao-1.jpg
- File:South Africa racial map, 1979.gif
- File:DurbanSign1989.jpg -- WhisperToMe (talk) 22:32, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 16:09, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Amharic
[edit]- File:Priest of rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela, a high place of Ethiopian Christianity, still today a place of pilmigrage and devotion..jpg
- File:The Soda volcano, Oromia, Ethiopia.jpg
- File:Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 767-200ER ET-AIF FRA 2001-5-11.png
- File:PikiWiki Israel 10703 Architecture of Israel.jpg
- File:Amharic Coca Cola bottle.jpg
- File:Secretary Kerry Meets With Egyptian President Morsy in Addis Ababa (2).jpg (summit is in Addis Ababa)
WhisperToMe (talk) 15:56, 11 June 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 16:11, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Arabic
[edit]- Incredibly important:
Wikimania 2008:
- Category:Wikimania 2008 Alexandria - All images, files, sub-categories, and their images and files
- Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Ottoman Empire (as many Arabic-speaking areas were once in the Ottoman Empire)
- File:Halal shop sign, Rue de Patay, Paris 13.jpg
- File:The Minister of State for Minority Affairs (Independent Charge) and Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi with the Haj Minister of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Mohammad Saleh bin Taher Benten, at Jeddah (Saudi Arabia).jpg
- File:Palestine Land ownership by sub-district (1945).jpg
- File:1911 Ottoman Calendar.jpg (the empire had Arabic speaking areas at the time - the Levant, Iraq, Hejaz, and Yemen)
- File:Kaaba during expansion in 2013.jpg
- File:LandmineActionWS.jpg
- File:HamadSouq.jpg
- File:Marwa el-Sherbini. funereal meeting of dresden - germany.jpg
- File:Baghdad Convention Center inside.jpg
- File:Hospital Tifariti.jpg
- File:Veronica Forque en el Sáhara libre.jpg
- File:Demonstration in Egypt in 1919 (Crescent, the Cross and Star of David).jpg
- File:FatehMilitia.jpg
- File:MEA InFlight Entertainment System.jpg
- File:Egyptian Alexandria Jews. Choir of Rabbin Moshe Cohen in Samuel Menashe synagogue. Alexandria.jpg
- File:USMC-080305-M-2385V-002.jpg
- File:Une carte des communautés religieuses et ethniques de la Syrie et du Liban (1935).jpg
- File:Egyptian Alexandria Jewish girls during BatMitzva.jpg
- File:AinShamsUniversity.Egyptian Students.jpg
- File:Regev & Goldwasser Memorial in Idmit Park,Israel.jpg
- File:GalilSchoolSign.jpg
- File:Kamel Daoud par Claude Truong-Ngoc février 2015.jpg
- File:Homage to Aliaa Elmahdi.jpg
- File:Iraqi_Refugees,_Damascus,_Syria.jpg
- File:Iraqi_medical_students_at_Basra_University_College_of_Medicine_(2010).JPG
- File:Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Tehran.jpg
- File:Yemen girl3.jpg
- File:Vladimir Putin with Tariq Aziz-1.jpg
- File:TalitakumiS.jpg
- File:Barclays building Jerusalem 1939.JPG
- File:Sabha,6, getting ready to walk to school from her house on the borders eastern Gaza strip, where she and her family are still living in tents.jpg
- File:Abandoned Iraqi Airways office.jpg
- File:Barclays building Jerusalem 1939.JPG
- Golan Heights
- محمد بن عبد الله
- File:Boeing 747-168B, Saudia - Saudi Arabian Airlines AN0217717.jpg
- File:ABY2.jpg
- File:SU-AAB Air Arabia A320.JPG
- File:Isa-1.jpg
- File:UAE signboard.jpg
- File:Egypt air Flyght attendant during flight.jpg
- File:Eli cohen22.jpg
- File:Alepp0fashion.jpg
- File:Prayer in Cairo 1865.jpg
- File:Concert à la maison du Maroc.jpg
- Category:Passports of Lebanon
- Category:Passports of Israel (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have Arabic)
- Category:Israel Railways (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have Arabic)
- File:Rachel Corrie 2003 March 16 cropped.jpg
- Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse
- File:Embassy of Yemen.JPG
- File:Yemeni doctor.jpg
- File:Camp x-ray detainees.jpg
- File:Mohamed Abdelaziz.jpg
- File:Polisario in Madrid.JPG
- File:Wataniya Airways Airbus A320 Karakas.jpg
- File:Iraqi Airways Logo.svg
- File:Yemenia Boeing 747SP.jpg
- File:Exitsigninsaudiarabia.jpg
- File:Khadija al-Kubra.jpg
- Category:Samira Ibrahim
- File:Benghazi caricatures of Gadafi01.JPG
- File:2011 Battle of Sirte.svg
- File:Abdessalem reçoit Daniel Inouye.jpg
- File:AbdelkrimHarouni.jpg
- Category:Media from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia (Category name and files within)
- File:Air Algérie A330 @ YUL.jpg
- File:RSAF Museum Lockheed L-1011 Tristar.jpg
- File:Berbères en Algérie occidentale.svg
- File:Weqaya HQ.jpg
- Template:FoP-Algeria
- File:Orphanschoolmosque.jpg
- File:Chuck Norris in Iraq in 2006.jpg
- File:Egyptengine.jpg
- File:Jebel Akhdar view.jpg
- File:Nine Parts Poster (Fishelson).jpg
- File:Saudi Arabian Airlines Boeing 747SP Maiwald.jpg
- File:Ebadi.jpg
- File:El Agheila Concentration Camp.jpg
- File:Damascus378.jpg
- File:Der Koran by Friedrich Eberhard Boysen 1775.jpg
- File:Ministerefinacealger.jpg
- File:Bedd.svg
- File:Lisa Anderson - World Economic Forum Summit on the Global Agenda 2012.jpg
- File:Church of Al Bayda.jpg
- File:Secretary Kerry meets with Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmy.jpg
- File:Secretary Kerry Meets With Egyptian President Morsy in Addis Ababa (2).jpg
- File:20 Août 1955 EL HALIA.jpg
- File:Aflaq funeral.jpg
- File:Illizi nature.jpg
- File:OldmapofMecca.jpg
- File:Lidl Egypt.JPG
- File:Wataniya Airways Airbus A320 Karakas.jpg
- File:PikiWiki Israel 5701 Cooking Lesson.jpg
- File:Arab World-Large.PNG
- File:Qantas Airbus A380 @ DXB.jpg
- File:Flickr - schmuela - Cairo side street.jpg
- File:Saddam1970s.jpg
- File:Emirates Boeing 777-200LR A6-EWD IAD.jpg
- File:Emirates Airbus A300 Bidini.jpg
- File:Emirates b777-300er a6-ebm arp.jpg
- File:Aeroport de dubai terminal 3 self-checkin.jpg
- File:Emirates 777 Economy seats.jpg
- File:Emirates Airbus A380-861 onboard bar Iwelumo.jpg
- File:A380 Emirates A6-EDC.jpg
- File:EA GP7200.jpg
- File:EK FCLass B777-300ER.JPG
- File:Emirates Boeing 777-200LR First Class Suite.jpg
- File:Emirates Airbus A340-300 PER Monty.jpg
- File:2010-07-15 B747 Emirates N408MC EDDF 02.jpg
- File:Ottoman_Syria_1918.png
- File:Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel takes a cup of tea during a farewell tea ceremony with Prince Fahd bin Abdullah, Deputy Minister of Defense, and U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Jim Smith.jpg
- File:FEisalKingdom.png
- File:Gulf Air Boeing 747-200 Gilliand.jpg
- File:Gulfair.a340.arp.jpg
- File:Gulf Air Lockheed L-1011-385-1-15 TriStar 200 Fitzgerald.jpg
- File:VC-10 Gulf Air Heathrow - 1977.jpg
- File:A bittersweet release - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg
- File:WP countries and versions in Northern Africa and the Middle East.png
- File:Yelles 6.jpg
- File:Asma al-Assad and Marisa Leticia.jpg
- File:Barqa2.jpg
- File:Suleymanname 31b 2.jpg
- File:Suleymanname 31b.jpg
- File:Bridge Crossing.jpg
- File:A320 AfriqiyahAirways EDDL.JPG
- File:Begin, Carter and Sadat at Camp David 1978.jpg
- File:Demonstration in Egypt in 1919 (Crescent, the Cross and Star of David).jpg
- File:Office of Merchant Navy and Ports.jpg
- File:Burqini.jpg
- File:2011-0209-Dubai-MOE-Pinkberry.jpg
- File:Bashar and Asmaa al-Assad in Moscow.jpg
- File:Medieval Persian manuscript Muhammad leads Abraham Moses Jesus.jpg
- File:LibyanRepublicRelations.svg
- File:Ministre Affaires religieuses TN.JPG
- File:British International School of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia - 20110428.jpg
- File:Zarkoun Street.JPG
- File:PikiWiki Israel 10703 Architecture of Israel.jpg
- File:Declaration of State of Israel 1948.jpg
- File:Christian Karembeu.jpg
- File:L'Algérie en guerre contre la fraude au Bac.jpg
- File:China Eastern Airbus A340 in Malta Zammit.jpg
- File:Libya March in Tokyo, Japan libjp libya 2011.02.26 リビアのためのデモ行進(渋谷, 東京).jpg
- File:Muammar al-Gaddafi, 12th AU Summit, 090202-N-0506A-534 cropped.jpg
- File:Hijabs.jpg
- File:Innenansicht Airbus.JPG
- File:SaddamCairo.jpg
- File:No to Military Trials in Egypt.jpg
- File:Al Tazaj Buraidah.JPG
- File:DemolishedPalestinianHome.jpg
- File:Air Algerie Boeing 737-200 Marmet-1.jpg
- File:AdnanKhashoggi06.JPG
- File:COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Mekkagangers uit Aceh met twee Wakils in het Nederlandse Consulaat in Jeddah TMnr 10001259.jpg
- File:"Putting an End to Nuclear Explosions" by CTBTO.jpg
- File:Starbucks at Ibn Battuta Mall Dubai.jpg
- File:SamaDammam.JPG
- File:Eilat Airport.jpg
- File:Kabylia-3lingual sign.jpg
- File:PikiWiki Israel 5701 Cooking Lesson.jpg
- File:Tizi Ouzou Tasdawit.jpg
- File:Moroni-Harbour.jpg
- File:Tizi Ouzou Tasdawit.jpg
- File:Tram alger travaux 3.jpg
- File:Religion distribution Africa crop.png
- File:TiziOuzou University-Thesis.JPG
- File:Down With Military Rule Flag (Saudi Embassy, Cairo).jpg
- File:Dammam Airport.jpg
- File:Somgirlegyhs.jpg
- File:Algerian Girl.jpg
- File:Taba Border Terminal (Egypt).JPG
- File:Declaration of State of Israel 1948.jpg
- Template:PD-USGov-CIA
- File:Flickr - omar chatriwala - The "Enlightened" City.jpg
- File:Siège d'Irbil 1258-1259.jpeg
- File:Siège de Mossoul (1261-1262).jpeg
- File:Abdul Aziz al-Hakim at Iraqi election, 2005Jan30.jpg
- File:Bill Clinton, Yitzhak Rabin, Yasser Arafat at the White House 1993-09-13.jpg
- File:Deira Fish market,Dubai.jpg
- File:Sharm el Sheikh map.png (file description only)
- File:Hijab world2.png
- File:Sharm el Sheikh map clear.png (file description only)
- File:Libya ethnic.svg
- File:Wikimania 2011 - Group Picture (2).jpg
- File:Train hostages.jpg
- File:Maude in Baghdad.jpg
- File:Nasser Gaddafi 1969.jpg
- File:WP breakdown Arabic.png
- File:Naftal.jpg
- File:Afriqiyah Airways Airbus A330.jpg
- File:LibyanRepublicRelations.svg
- File:FDR on quincy.jpg
- File:Libya March in Tokyo, Japan libjp libya 2011.02.26 リビアのためのデモ行進(渋谷, 東京).jpg
- File:Saudi Arabian Airlines Boeing 747-412 TF-AMV.jpg
- File:Abu Gharyab Prison.jpg
- File:Burning amy vehicle.png
- File:Strait of Hormuz.jpg (file description)
- File:Dira Square.JPG
- File:UAE Embassy Moscow.jpg
- File:Bedouin family-Wahiba Sands.jpg
- File:Jerusalem Holy Sepulchre BW 22.JPG
- File:Muammar al-Gaddafi, 12th AU Summit, 090202-N-0506A-534 cropped.jpg
- File:Hosni Mubarak ritratto.jpg
- File:Flickr - Daveness 98 - Cityscape in Cairo.jpg
- File:SadrCity.jpg
- File:VAE de-map.png
- File:Wikimania 2008 dungodung 64.jpg
- File:Saad Zaghlul.jpg (Name is in Arabic, but the entire description should be in Arabic)
- File:Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1987-004-09A, Amin al Husseini und Adolf Hitler.jpg
- File:Dubai map city.svg (the file description, and the actual image itself)
- File:Dubai city map index.svg (the file description, and the actual image itself)
- File:Zurique fifa.jpg
- File:Flash Airlines Boeing 737-3Q8 SU-ZCD retouched .jpg and File:Flash airlines boeing 737 3Q8 CDG - ROISSY.jpg
- File:Adiliyakuwsccr.jpg
- File:Msr990-ntsb-f1.jpeg
- File:Zarqawi dead us govt photo.jpg
- File:EgyptAir Flight 990 Search and Rescue.jpg
- File:Al-Mu'tasim-Billah al-Gaddafi.jpg
- File:Tahrir Square on February11.png
- File:Mutassim Gadaffi Hilary Clinton.jpg
- File:Buckeye Market and Halal Meats.jpg
- File:ArabLeague-Diagram.svg
- File:Cats having sex in Israel.jpg
- File:Arabic speaking world.svg
- File:Bāb al ‘Azīzīyah, Tripoli, Tsarrbuus, LY..jpg
- File:AramcoCoreArea.jpg
- File:Aerial view of Beris, 2004-02-01.jpg
- File:Aéroport Marseille-Provence12.jpg
- File:Aéroport Marseille-Provence20.jpg
- File:Abeche leather shop.jpg
- File:Flickr - Floris Van Cauwelaert - The messages on Tahrir Square (8).jpg
- File:Emirates Boeing 777-200LR A6-EWD IAD.jpg
- File:Wikimania 2008 Alexandria - Aphaia - 2.jpg
- File:Emirates B777-300ER A6-EBD.jpg
- File:AramcoServicesCompanyHQ.jpg
File:Tahrir Square attacks on April 9 2011.png- User:Raboe001/licence
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
- Started, but not fully finished yet WhisperToMe (talk) 17:53, 13 May 2010 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 16:13, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Egyptian Arabic
[edit]- File:Homage to Aliaa Elmahdi.jpg
- File:Sharm el Sheikh map.png (file description only)
- File:Sharm el Sheikh map clear.png (file description only)
- File:Egyptair_Boeing_767-300_in_1992-CN.jpg
- File:Egyptair_Boeing_767-300_in_1992.jpg
- File:Msr990-ntsb-f1.jpeg
- File:Bridge Crossing.jpg
- File:Begin, Carter and Sadat at Camp David 1978.jpg
- File:EgyptAir Flight 990 Search and Rescue.jpg
- File:Burning amy vehicle.png
- File:Taba Border Terminal (Egypt).JPG
- File:2nd_Celebration_Conference,_Egypt-February_2013-122.JPG
- File:Secretary Kerry meets with Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmy.jpg
- File:Secretary Kerry Meets With Egyptian President Morsy in Addis Ababa (2).jpg
- File:Prayer in Cairo 1865.jpg
- File:SaddamCairo.jpg
- File:Marwa el-Sherbini. funereal meeting of dresden - germany.jpg
- File:WP countries and versions in Northern Africa and the Middle East.png
- File:Somgirlegyhs.jpg
- File:Lisa Anderson - World Economic Forum Summit on the Global Agenda 2012.jpg
- File:Памятник жертвам авиакатастрофы 2004-01-03 - 02.jpg
- File:Egypt air Flyght attendant during flight.jpg
- File:Demonstration in Egypt in 1919 (Crescent, the Cross and Star of David).jpg
- File:Rue Champollion in Alexandria.JPG
- File:Fbi egypt air 990.jpg
- Category:Samira Ibrahim
- File:Flickr - schmuela - Cairo side street.jpg
- File:Egyptengine.jpg
- File:Lidl Egypt.JPG
- File:Burqini.jpg
- File:A bittersweet release - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg
- File:No to Military Trials in Egypt.jpg
- File:Down With Military Rule Flag (Saudi Embassy, Cairo).jpg
- File:Nasser Gaddafi 1969.jpg
- File:Hosni Mubarak ritratto.jpg
- File:Wikimania 2008 Alexandria - Aphaia - 2.jpg
- File:Tahrir Square on February11.png
- File:Flickr - Daveness 98 - Cityscape in Cairo.jpg
- File:Flickr - Floris Van Cauwelaert - The messages on Tahrir Square (8).jpg
- File:Tahrir Square attacks on April 9 2011.png
- File:Flash Airlines Boeing 737-3Q8 SU-ZCD retouched .jpg and File:Flash airlines boeing 737 3Q8 CDG - ROISSY.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 04:53, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 16:15, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Moroccan Arabic
[edit]English to Algerian Arabic
[edit]English to Aramaic
[edit]English to Assamese
[edit]- File:Naga Jolokia Peppers.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 18:44, 29 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 16:15, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Azerbaijani
[edit]- File:Vladimir Putin in Sochi 1-2 August 2001-13.jpg
- File:Dmitry Medvedev in Azerbaijan 18 November 2010-4.jpeg
- File:Vladimir Putin in Iran 16-17 October 2007-9.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 05:46, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 16:15, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Baluchi
[edit]- File:Aerial view of Beris, 2004-02-01.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 23:11, 25 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 22:42, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Balinese
[edit]- File:Monkey Forest, Ubud 200507-1.jpg
- File:Balinese rite of Suttee in Houtman 1597 Verhael vande Reyse ... Naer Oost Indien.jpg
- File:Royal Brunei Airlines Airbus A320 Mutzair-1.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 00:03, 30 March 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 22:42, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Banjar
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 04:55, 11 July 2013 (UTC)
English to Bashkir
[edit]- File:BAL Tupolev Tu-154M JetPix-1.jpg
- File:Continental Airways T154 RA-85831.jpg
- File:Hamid Karzai, Pervez Musharraf, Fakhruddin Ahmed - WEF Annual Meeting Davos 2008.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 03:48, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 22:42, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English or French to Bambara
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 23:51, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 22:42, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Bangla
[edit]- File:Fokker F27-600 S2-ABJ B Biman Dum Dum 08 09 74 edited-4.jpg
- File:Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 707-320C LHR S2-ACE Feb 1981.png
- File:Boeing 777-3E9ER S2-AFO Bangladesh Biman (6983445808).jpg
- File:Biman DC-10 MRD-4.jpg
- File:Sonagachi jon gresham 1.jpg
- File:Candlelight Rally Against Rape - Sector-V - Salt Lake City - Kolkata 2012-12-29 2107.JPG
- File:Biman Airlines DC10 Economy Class1.JPG
- File:Biman Bangladesh Boeing 747-200 KvW.jpg
- File:Biman Bangladesh Airlines A310-300 S2-ADF LHR 2005-9-24.png
- File:Biman Bangladesh Airlines Boeing 777-200ER CS-TFM LHR 2010-9-18.png
- File:"Biman Bangladesh Airlines,Boeing 777-3E9ER.jpg
- File:ZiaAirportVIP-01.jpg
- File:ZiaAirport-05.jpg
- File:Hamid Karzai, Pervez Musharraf, Fakhruddin Ahmed - WEF Annual Meeting Davos 2008.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 23:51, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 22:42, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Bosnian
[edit]English to Bulgarian
[edit]- Category:Passports of Bulgaria
- Nina Dobrev
- File:Potpisnici londonskog mira.jpg
- File:Konstantin Makovsky - The Bulgarian martyresses.jpg
- File:Bulgarian family in the Ottoman Empire, 19th century.jpg
- File:1911 Ottoman Calendar.jpg
- File:Calendar Thessaloniki 1896.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 03:12, 26 August 2012 (UTC)
English to Catalan
[edit]English to Chinese
[edit]- Media in Category:Chinese Embassy, Berlin
- Media in Category:Chinese Embassy, London
- File:ResidenciesAtPeak 1924.jpg
- File:Proportion of Taiwanese Language Used in House.svg
- Category:Andrew Lih
- File:乗り継ぎ便 (3338674733).jpg - Copenhagen airport signs
- File:Martyrerp 2.jpg
- File:Ricci-Ruggieri-Portuguese-Chinese-dictionary-page-1.png
- File:SPM A7786.jpg
- File:Manchuguo Poster.harmony of J,C and Mpeople.jpg
- File:Electrical danger sign.jpg
- File:Zhou Wenzhong.jpg
- File:IllegalWorkersSign-Singapore-20070316.jpg
- File:Putting his foot down.jpg
- File:FEMA - 25380 - Photograph by Barry Bahler taken on 07-27-2006 in District of Columbia.jpg
- File:Phila nBroad02.jpg
- File:CES-A320-B2358-01.jpg
- Category:Passports of Taiwan
- File:Wang Qishan ,Obama Basketball S&ED.jpg
- File:Obama and Wen Jiabao.jpg
- File:Bushhujintao.jpg
- File:Chen Feng, Chairman, Hainan Airlines, on refinancing of the global economy, at the 2010 Horasis Annual Meeting - Flickr - Horasis.jpg
- File:Lassina Zerbo interviewed by China Central Television.jpg
- File:04jun24.02.Beijing.KFC.Yong.He.Da.Wang.JPG
- File:Mutton bbq.jpg
- File:Love play in China.jpg
- File:Chow Yun Fat for wiki.jpg
- File:Gall Trilingual Inscription.jpg
- File:Arms of the Qing Dynasty (fictitious).svg
- File:Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-300ER N183DN PEK 2011-6-5.png
- File:Woman spying on male lovers.jpg
- File:Beijing-Niujie-Minzu-Tuanjie-Da-Jiating-3665.jpg
- File:FAT Boeing 757 Palau Airport Spijkers.jpg
- File:Lufthansa Center Fluss.JPG
- File:SinoKorea Friendship Bridge.jpg
- File:Iukiaoli.jpg
- File:HuangpuparkOld2.jpg - Translate the paragraph too, not just the description
- File:Chungking-interior.jpg
- File:Thai Sky Airlines L-1011-1 HS-AXE DMK 2006-1-14.png (Thai Sky seemed to use Chinese extensively)
- File:Sino-german cooperation.png
- File:Kowloonactualmente.jpg
- Category:Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (the files inside the category)
- File:FlagsOverStilwellRoad.gif
- File:Fourmont-Zhongguo-Guanhua.png
- File:2008TourDeTaiwan Stage1 Chao-hsun Huang.jpg
- File:Schoenen Gruss aus Kiao Tschau 1898.jpg
- File:FourmontGrammar.jpg
- File:Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-300ER N183DN PEK 2011-6-5.png
- File:HuiChineseMuslim3.jpg
- File:The_Hong_Eng,_ethnic_Chinese_in_Indonesia,_ID_card_during_Japanese_occupation,_1943.jpg
- File:Scorpions on Wangfujing Dajie snack street in Beijing.jpg
- File:Manchuguo Poster.harmony of J,C and Mpeople.jpg
- File:Hankow 1915.jpg
- File:Anti-American Protests Liu Kai b3.jpg
- File:Chinesisches Internetcafe Lijiang.jpg
- File:Jon M. Huntsman Jr. - Annual Meeting of the New Champions Dalian 2009.jpg
- File:Baiyun airport planes.jpg
- File:Feng Zhenghu on bench.jpg
- File:Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER; HL7742@HKG;31.07.2011 614fz (6052589349).jpg
- File:ChineseMedicine-HK.JPG
- File:Mission_204_(P00763001).jpg
- File:Foot binding shoes 1.jpg
- File:ROC calendar.jpg
- File:New-Map-Sinophone World.PNG
- File:Zigui-Sinopec-boat-fuel-station-4961.jpg
- File:Lee Kuan Yew Cohen.jpg
- File:An Activity of Manchu Language by the Government and students in Changchun.jpg
- File:Lin-Jun-Memorial-Montreal.jpg
- File:Dmitry Medvedev at APEC Summit in Peru 22-23 November 2008-8.jpg
- File:Shanghai ghetto in 1943.jpg
- File:Qantas Boeing 747-400, VH-OJH, SIN for web.jpg
- File:Lee Kuan Yew Cohen.jpg
- File:Beijing smog comparison August 2005.png
- File:Steek.JPG (multilingual door sign)
- File:Canadian Boeing 747-400 KvW.jpg
- File:Chinatown, DC gate.jpg
- File:Willis Tower Chinatown.jpg
- File:Shanghai students in Town Hall meeting.JPG
- File:Chinese honor guard in column 070322-F-0193C-014.JPEG
- File:Khotan-ciber-d01.jpg
- File:Chinese wikipedia map.png
- File:China Xinjiang Airlines Ilyushin Il-86 Spijkers.jpg
- File:Yining.jpg
- File:Amy Chua Tiger Mom Daughters 2011 Shankbone.JPG
- File:CarrefourChinaShanghai.JPG
- File:China Illustrata.jpg
- File:Gerald and Betty Ford meet with Deng Xiaoping, 1975 A7598-20A.jpg
- File:Namyang overview.jpg
- File:ChineseDishLogo.png
- File:Lee Teng-hui 2004.jpg
- File:Cathay Pacific L-1011 at Osaka Airport.jpg
- File:China Xinhua Airlines Boeing 737-800 B-5082 PEK 2011-4-11.png
- File:Military Museum of Xinjiang signboard in Uyghur-Mandarin.jpg
- Jay Chou
- File:20090319 Air China YL921 2845 (BEJ) 737-800 Exteriors.jpg
- File:Quadrilingual danger sign - Singapore (gabbe).jpg
- File:China southwest airlines .jpg
- Category:Shunyi Slalom Course
- File:Martyrerp 2.jpg
- File:Whitewater Slalom 2008 Olympics 2.jpg
- File:SIA B777-212ER take-off.jpg
- File:CalRipkenJr2007.PNG
- File:Seattle - old Uwijimaya building 04.jpg
- File:Shanghainame.png
- File:Clinton and jiang.jpg
- File:Wellington-Koo-Colour.jpg
- File:Kung and hitler.jpg
- File:Manzhouli3.jpg
- File:Shops on Cross Street, Newcastle.JPG
- Category:Chen Guangcheng & Gary Locke and images inside
- File:China passport.jpg
- File:Whitewater Slalom 2008 Olympics 2.jpg
- File:XW B737-800 B-5138.jpg
- File:Sino-Indian Geography.png
- File:Leung Siu Lung.jpg
- File:Chen Feng, Chairman, Hainan Airlines, on refinancing of the global economy, at the 2010 Horasis Annual Meeting - Flickr - Horasis.jpg
- File:Ho Feng Shan plaque (Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum).jpg
- File:Deer Air Plane.jpg
- File:China Southern Airlines Boeing 757-200 B-2830 SVO 2012-5-25.png
- File:Vladimir Putin with Li Peng-2.jpg
- File:Hainan Airlines Boeing 737-800 B-2158 CTU 2011-7-7.png
- File:Hainan Airlines A330-200 B-6089 SVO 2009-4-23.png
- File:Roman Empire under Hadrian-zh-classical.png (description only)
- File:Areca nut vendor hainan jan 2010.jpg
- File:Chen Guangcheng at US Embassy May 1, 2012.jpg
- File:Gary Locke With Chen Guangcheng May 1, 2012.jpg
- File:Shanghaiviewpic1.jpg
- File:ChineseJesus.jpg
- File:Laura M. Cha - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2009.jpg
- File:Avril Lavigne in Hongkong Press cropped.jpg
- File:Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-300ER N183DN PEK 2011-6-5.png
- File:Xinjiang nationalities by prefecture 2000.png
- File:Xiangqi 2.jpg
- File:LongjiTerraces.jpg
- File:747-CA006-1.png
- File:Wikimania2007 Andrew Lih with mic.jpg - I added his name in Chinese, but the entire sentence needs to be translated
- File:SCO Summit Ekaterinburg 2009.jpg
- File:Lingchi (cropped).jpg
- File:China Eastern Airbus A340 in Malta Zammit.jpg
- File:Pttlogin.png
- File:MSA Vessel on Huangpu.jpg
- File:Ethnolinguistic map of China 1983.jpg (Image description)
- File:Hamid Karzai at SCO Summit.jpg
- File:CX First Class course.jpg
- File:Yangzhou-Modern-Grand-Canal-barge-3360.JPG
- File:Ahmadinejad Russia June 2009.jpg
- File:MyPhotoAirliners-11.jpg
- File:Naval battle between Taiping-Qing on Yangtze.jpg
- File:KFC in Hohhot.jpg
- File:Visit of Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping to Johnson Space Center - GPN-2002-000077.jpg
- File:Shanghai Five Leaders 2.jpg
- File:Putin and Hu JintaoPeace Mission 2007.jpg
- File:World Journal Whitestone jeh.JPG
- File:Yining.jpg
- File:Letter sun yat sen.PNG
- File:Sun Yat-Sen plaque.JPG
- File:Chiang Kaishek with Muslim General Ma Fushou.jpg
- File:Lingchi (cropped).jpg
- File:PRC Province Population2.svg
- File:REB-AVG-CHIT-1.jpg
- File:Chinese stamp in 1950.jpg - Needs a Chinese description WhisperToMe (talk) 11:04, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
- File:Chinaimg.png WhisperToMe (talk) 14:17, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
- File:Hainan Airlines 01.JPG WhisperToMe (talk) 22:26, 27 November 2010 (UTC)
- File:Hainan Airlines 06.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 22:26, 27 November 2010 (UTC)
- File:Hainan Airlines headquarters.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 22:26, 27 November 2010 (UTC)
- File:Hong Kong combination shower and bathroom.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 23:16, 21 January 2011 (UTC)
- File:Sakai Noriko-groink2000.png WhisperToMe (talk) 00:36, 3 February 2011 (UTC)
- File:Vila de Coloane Biblioteca.jpg Dmartin969 (talk) 17:40, 27 June 2023 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Literary Chinese
[edit]- File:Fourmont-Zhongguo-Guanhua.png
- File:FourmontGrammar.jpg
- File:Love play in China.jpg
- File:Woman spying on male lovers.jpg
- File:Roman Empire under Hadrian-zh-classical.png (description only)
- File:ChineseJesus.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 17:19, 13 April 2012 (UTC)
English or Chinese to Cantonese
[edit]- Category:South China University of Technology
- File:HK TST Star Ferry Piers 西聯匯款 Western Union.JPG (Please also add Cantonese Jyutping to the English description so we know the Cantonese name of the company)
- File:HK 筲箕灣道 Shau Kei Wan Road 30-36 捷利商業大廈 Chit Lee Commercial Building name sign Fire Alarm night Nov-2010.JPG (Please add Cantonese Jyutping to the English description so we know the Cantonese name of the building)
- File:Kowloonactualmente.jpg
- File:Cathay City.JPG
- File:Chow Yun Fat for wiki.jpg
- File:Cathay Pacific L-1011 at Osaka Airport.jpg
- File:Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER; HL7742@HKG;31.07.2011 614fz (6052589349).jpg
- File:Cathay Pacific Boeing 747-400 Spijkers.jpg
- File:Leung Siu Lung.jpg
- File:Baiyun airport planes.jpg
- File:China Southern Airlines Headquarters.jpg
- File:Dragonair House at Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong.JPG
- File:Deer Air Plane.jpg
- File:Canadian Boeing 747-400 KvW.jpg
- File:Avril Lavigne in Hongkong Press cropped.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 23:34, 21 February 2012 (UTC)
English to Minnan
[edit]- Jay Chou (images within gallery)
- File:EVA Air Taoyuan EGAT building.jpg
- File:Banning of POJ.gif
- File:Pttlogin.png WhisperToMe (talk) 03:38, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:02, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Czech
[edit]- File:PRG old airport control tower 3169.JPG
- File:LittleCaesarsBrno.jpg
- File:Last train out of Prag on German invasion.jpg
- File:CARA servicing a CSA Czech Airlines flight in Montreal.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 00:41, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:03, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Danish
[edit]- File:SAS MD-87 SE-DMA.jpg
- File:乗り継ぎ便 (3338674733).jpg - Copenhagen airport signs
WhisperToMe (talk) 01:11, 19 September 2012 (UTC)
English to Dutch
[edit]- File:Abces dentaire.jpg
- File:Virgin Hills Panorama.JPG
- File:Tire and memorial of Martin Air flight 138.jpg
- File:A Tire of Martin Air flight 138.jpg
- File:Memorial of Martin Air Flight 138.jpg
- File:Crash location of Martin Air Flight 138.jpg
- File:Balinese rite of Suttee in Houtman 1597 Verhael vande Reyse ... Naer Oost Indien.jpg
- File:Wikipedia for World Heritage logo nl.png
- File:Flemish School Portrait of a Young Boy 1625.jpg
- File:Cathay Pacific Boeing 747-400 Spijkers.jpg
- File:Yusuf Estes Bekeerlingendag 2013.jpg
- File:Image-526196-galleryV9-rboe.jpg
- File:Iah d lineup.jpg
- File:The_Hong_Eng,_ethnic_Chinese_in_Indonesia,_ID_card_during_Japanese_occupation,_1943.jpg
- File:Surinam Airways Douglas DC-8 Wallner.jpg
- File:Teuku Daud Beureueh.jpg
- File:Meetingpoint caves.png
- File:Flickr - NewsPhoto! - nice picture.jpg
- File:Aéroport Marseille-Provence14.jpg -- WhisperToMe (talk) 09:16, 8 December 2010 (UTC)
- {{IMOcat}}
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:03, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Dzongkha
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 07:10, 29 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:03, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Emiliano-Romagnolo
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 02:00, 30 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:03, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Estonian
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 22:40, 7 November 2012 (UTC)
English to Persian
[edit]- File:Prince or noble visiting the women's quarters or zenana.jpg
- File:Iranian presidential election 2009 protests Canada2.JPG
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:03, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Dari (prs)
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 04:42, 16 November 2011 (UTC)
- prs (Afghan Persian or Eastern Persian or Dari) is a part of Persian macrolanguage. I translated the text into Persian that both Iranians and Afghans can understand it. AMERICOPHILE 21:42, 14 December 2011 (UTC)
- That works :) WhisperToMe (talk) 23:13, 25 December 2011 (UTC)
- prs (Afghan Persian or Eastern Persian or Dari) is a part of Persian macrolanguage. I translated the text into Persian that both Iranians and Afghans can understand it. AMERICOPHILE 21:42, 14 December 2011 (UTC)
- File:Hamid Karzai, Pervez Musharraf, Fakhruddin Ahmed - WEF Annual Meeting Davos 2008.jpg (If Farsi that can be understood in Iran and Afghanistan can work, than that can be done) WhisperToMe (talk) 03:48, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
- I translated the description into Persian but any Afghan guy can translate it to Dari too. AMERICOPHILE 06:01, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
- File:Hamid Karzai at SCO Summit.jpg
- File:SCO Summit Ekaterinburg 2009.jpg
- File:Afghanistan (orthographic projection).svg
- File:King Habibullah Khan with Afghan military men.jpg
- File:1950s Afghanistan - Afghan Army soldiers on parade.jpg
- File:MiG-15s and Il-28s at Kabul 1959.jpg
- File:Evstafiev-afghan-apc-passes-russian.jpg
- File:Afghan soldiers.jpg
- File:Caldwell with cadets of class 1388 at the National Military Academy of Afghanistan.jpg
- File:Fourteen ANA women marching during their graduation ceremony.jpg
- File:2011 Afghan Independence Day-4.jpg
- File:Wardak-Karimi-Wardak in 2006.jpg
- File:Zahir Azimi and Josef Blotz in 2010.jpg
- File:SCUD 2.JPG
- File:2010 ANA air show.jpg
- File:ANA at KMTC in 2009.jpg
- File:Artilleryman of the Afghan National Army.jpg
- File:ANA C-27s at Kabul-cropped.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 04:14, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
Done by Americophile. ;) --Z 10:49, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- File:Ariana Afghan Airlines Airbus A310 Karakas.jpg
- File:Atlas Air flying off from Kabul Airport in 2010.jpg
- File:Ariana aircraft at Kabul Airport.jpg
- File:Kam Air at Kabul Airport in 2010.jpg
- File:Karl Eikenberry at Kabul International Airport-2.jpg
- File:Karl Eikenberry at Kabul International Airport-4.jpg
- File:Karl Eikenberry at Kabul International Airport.jpg
- File:Karl Eikenberry at Kabul International Airport-5.jpg
- File:Military terminal at Kabul International Airport.jpg
- File:James Stavridis visits the ISAF Joint Command at Kabul Afghanistan International Airport -c.jpg
- File:Kabul International Airport in 2008.jpg
- File:Anders Fogh Rasmussen at Kabul Airport in 2009.jpg
- File:C-27 Afghan military transport plane taking off from Kabul in 2010.jpg
- File:Robert Gates at Kabul International Airport in 2008.JPG
WhisperToMe (talk) 17:55, 19 January 2012 (UTC)
All done. --Z 10:49, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Thank you very much! WhisperToMe (talk) 23:50, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
File:Meena founder of RAWA speaking in 1982.jpgFile:RAWA protest rally against Taliban in Peshawar April28-1998.jpgFile:Taliban-herat-2001 ArM.jpgFile:Afghan Schoolchildren in Kabul.jpgFile:Husn Banu Ghazanfar.jpgFile:Afghan lady in Kabul.jpgThe text in حامد کرزی (Hamid Harzai)
WhisperToMe (talk) 23:48, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
File:Pashtun girl.jpgFile:Afghan street photographer.pngFile:15c green mosque.jpgFile:Gowhar Shad.pngCategory:Tomb of GoharshādFile:Herat citadel.pngFile:Ghazni-Minaret.jpgFile:Taliban-Torkham-2001.jpg- File:Ariana Afghan Airlines DC-10 Fitzgerald.jpg
- File:Ariana Afghan Airlines DC-10-30 YA-LAS 1980-8-10.png
- File:Ariana Afghan A310-300 F-GEMO.jpg
- File:George and Laura Bush with Khaled Hosseini in 2007 detail2.JPG
- File:George and Laura Bush with Khaled Hosseini in 2007.jpg
- File:Ghazi Wazir Akbar Khan.jpg
- File:WazirMohammadAkbarKhan.jpg
- File:Battle in Afghanistan.jpg
- File:Mohammad Akbar Khan.jpg
- File:Cargo Boeing 747-428(BCF) of National Airlines cropped.jpg
- File:Cargo Boeing 747-428(BCF) of National Airlines.jpg
- File:Hosseini, Khaled (with actors).jpg
- File:Samarkand A group of musicians playing for a bacha dancing boy.jpg
- File:1950s Afghanistan - Public transport in Kabul.jpg
- File:Women of Afghanistan in 1927.jpg
- File:Afghan women in Kabul.jpg
- File:Hillary Clinton with Afghan female politicians in 2011.jpg
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:02, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:Mike Spann Memorial.JPG
- File:NorwegiansolderHK416.jpg
- File:Defence ministers of the three allied powers in the Syrian Civil War.jpg
English to Fon
[edit]- File:Fon Kwabo.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 18:26, 1 September 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:05, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Finnish
[edit]- Category:Passports of Finland (all images inside too, and subcategories and their images)
- File:Finlandduchy.jpg
- File:Emergency brake and emergency hammer next to the door in a tram.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 17:29, 28 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:05, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- So… where does the Finnish text need to be entered? ~ Nelg (talk) 16:20, 11 February 2013 (UTC)
- This is the code in English: {{Annotated image | float=right | caption=Analysis of political positions by [[Duquesne University]] economics professor Antony Davies<ref name="Analysis of political positions by Davies">{{Cite paper| last = Davies| first = Antony| title = Who favors more freedom, liberals or conservatives? | LearnLiberty| location = Fairfax, VA, US| accessdate = 2012-06-23| date = 2011-07-15| url = http://www.learnliberty.org/content/who-favors-more-freedom-liberals-or-conservatives}}</ref>| image=2d political spectrum.svg | annotations = {{Annotation|25|25|'''[[Economic freedom]]'''}}{{Annotation|95|120|[[Conservatism]]}}{{Annotation|205|90|[[Libertarianism]]}}{{Annotation|105|200|[[Progressivism_in_the_United_States|Progressivism]]}}{{Annotation|55|230|[[Authoritarianism]]}}{{Annotation|165|150|[[Modern liberalism in the United States|Modern Liberalism]]}}{{Annotation|170|270|'''[[Civil liberties|Personal freedom]]'''}}}}--Abel (talk) 22:43, 14 February 2013 (UTC)
- I tried to adapt the links as best as they represent the links on the Finnish Nolan chart, but we actually don't have anything resembling Progressivism as strongly as in USA, the nearest equivalent is probably just Leftism here. There actually is a similar map that's already in use on the Nolan chart-article, File:European-political-spectrum.png, which probably reflects the Finnish political environment better. I translated the links nevertheless:
- {{Annotated image | float=right | caption=Talousprofessori Antony Daviesin poliittisten kantojen analyysi, Duquesnen yliopisto<ref name="Analysis of political positions by Davies">{{Cite paper| last = Davies| first = Antony| title = Who favors more freedom, liberals or conservatives? | LearnLiberty| location = Fairfax, VA, US| accessdate = 2012-06-23| date = 2011-07-15| url = http://www.learnliberty.org/content/who-favors-more-freedom-liberals-or-conservatives}}</ref>| image=2d political spectrum.svg | annotations = {{Annotation|25|25|'''[[Taloudellinen vapaus]]'''}}{{Annotation|95|120|[[Konservatismi]]}}{{Annotation|205|90|[[Libertarismi]]}}{{Annotation|105|200|[[Vasemmisto]]}}{{Annotation|55|230|[[Autoritarismi]]}}{{Annotation|165|150|[[Uusliberalismi]]}}{{Annotation|170|270|'''[[Henkilökohtainen vapaus]]'''}}}} ~ Nelg (talk) 09:37, 15 February 2013 (UTC)
- Many thanks! The lack of Progressivism in the Finnish political environment highlights another advantage to the text overlay method, you can change the numbers in the code to get the translated version to better fit the situation for each political environment if needed. I can help with that if you tell me what should be moved up or down, left or right. The positioning took me a couple of practice drafts to get right. --Abel (talk) 20:01, 18 February 2013 (UTC)
- OK hmm. I'm afraid I have no idea where the different shades should go into, since almost none of the parties are extreme. The parties do have their ideology written in their articles. w:List of political parties in Finland has all the 8 parliamentary parties in English. I could probably add a column for their ideology, but the table is already pretty crowded and I don't know how people will like that. Or I could just list them here:
National Coalition Party—Centre-right, Liberal conservatism
Christian Democrats of Finland—Centrist, Christian democracy, Social conservatism (also appear to be Soft eurosceptics, which I don't know how it fits into the chart)
True Finns—Nationalist, Social conservatism (Matter of debate. You have to look at the article. They have gotten criticism as being extereme rightist, though.)
Centre Party—Centrist, Social liberalism
Swedish People's Party—Centre-right, Liberalism (although advocating the use of Swedish language due to a historical minority, so they are more conservatist than seem)
Social Democrats—Centre-left, Social democracy
Left Alliance—Leftist, Democratic socialism, Eco-socialism
Green League—Centre-left, Green liberalism, Green politics.
I hope this is ok, I don't wish to just push the job over to you. ~ Nelg (talk) 22:00, 18 February 2013 (UTC)
- OK hmm. I'm afraid I have no idea where the different shades should go into, since almost none of the parties are extreme. The parties do have their ideology written in their articles. w:List of political parties in Finland has all the 8 parliamentary parties in English. I could probably add a column for their ideology, but the table is already pretty crowded and I don't know how people will like that. Or I could just list them here:
- Many thanks! The lack of Progressivism in the Finnish political environment highlights another advantage to the text overlay method, you can change the numbers in the code to get the translated version to better fit the situation for each political environment if needed. I can help with that if you tell me what should be moved up or down, left or right. The positioning took me a couple of practice drafts to get right. --Abel (talk) 20:01, 18 February 2013 (UTC)
- I tried to adapt the links as best as they represent the links on the Finnish Nolan chart, but we actually don't have anything resembling Progressivism as strongly as in USA, the nearest equivalent is probably just Leftism here. There actually is a similar map that's already in use on the Nolan chart-article, File:European-political-spectrum.png, which probably reflects the Finnish political environment better. I translated the links nevertheless:
- This is the code in English: {{Annotated image | float=right | caption=Analysis of political positions by [[Duquesne University]] economics professor Antony Davies<ref name="Analysis of political positions by Davies">{{Cite paper| last = Davies| first = Antony| title = Who favors more freedom, liberals or conservatives? | LearnLiberty| location = Fairfax, VA, US| accessdate = 2012-06-23| date = 2011-07-15| url = http://www.learnliberty.org/content/who-favors-more-freedom-liberals-or-conservatives}}</ref>| image=2d political spectrum.svg | annotations = {{Annotation|25|25|'''[[Economic freedom]]'''}}{{Annotation|95|120|[[Conservatism]]}}{{Annotation|205|90|[[Libertarianism]]}}{{Annotation|105|200|[[Progressivism_in_the_United_States|Progressivism]]}}{{Annotation|55|230|[[Authoritarianism]]}}{{Annotation|165|150|[[Modern liberalism in the United States|Modern Liberalism]]}}{{Annotation|170|270|'''[[Civil liberties|Personal freedom]]'''}}}}--Abel (talk) 22:43, 14 February 2013 (UTC)
- So… where does the Finnish text need to be entered? ~ Nelg (talk) 16:20, 11 February 2013 (UTC)
English to French
[edit]Many older passports use French instead of English, so passport categories need to have descriptions in French
- Important: Template:PD-USGov-NTSB
- File:Potpisnici londonskog mira.jpg
- File:Ottoman revenge map after Balkan wars.jpeg (French was an important foreign language/language among Christian ethnic groups at the time of the late empire)
- File:Armenian population map 1896.jpg (French was an important foreign language/language among Christian ethnic groups at the time of the late empire)
- File:Majdanek Komora Gazowa.JPG
- Turkish Airlines crash: File:Dc10-ta3a.png
- The FBI document within File:Twa 800 witness 319.PNG (the text within is translated) WhisperToMe (talk) 16:49, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
- File:Somair building Niamey 2006.jpg
- File:1940 issued visa by consul Sugihara in Lithuania.jpg (French was a common diplomatic language at the time)
- File:Rubbles of the cathedral after the earthquake that hit the Capital Port au Prince just before 5 pm on 12 January 2010.jpg
- File:Punch - The Dogs of War.png
- File:Hamidianmassacres.jpg
- File:Lassina Zerbo interviewed by China Central Television.jpg
- File:FatehMilitia.jpg
- File:Konstantin Makovsky - The Bulgarian martyresses.jpg
- File:Corsican nationalism.jpg
- File:Veronica Forque en el Sáhara libre.jpg
- File:Iranian presidential election 2009 protests Canada2.JPG
- File:Martyrerp 2.jpg
- File:Airport Marseille mp2.jpg
- File:Muammar al-Gaddafi, 12th AU Summit, 090202-N-0506A-534 cropped.jpg
- File:Iukiaoli.jpg
- File:13Vendémiaire.jpg
- File:Phila nBroad02.jpg
- File:Flash Airlines Boeing 737-3Q8 SU-ZCD retouched .jpg
Done and File:Flash airlines boeing 737 3Q8 CDG - ROISSY.jpg
Done have French descriptions, but they need to be synchronized to the English one. WhisperToMe (talk) 05:04, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
- File:Nun on a mototrbike in Basankusu.jpg
- File:Seine-1968.png
- File:SNTVbus-Ouagadougou-Niamey.jpg
- File:MA Airport Rabat Sale New Termial Hall 3.JPG
- File:Martyrerp 2.jpg
- File:Gulf Air Boeing 747-200 Gilliand.jpg
- File:28as - Swissair MD-11; HB-IWF@ZRH;14.07.1998 (4713082874).jpg
- File:Languages Benelux.PNG
- File:Fourmont-Zhongguo-Guanhua.png
- File:Mohamed Abdelaziz.jpg
- File:FourmontGrammar.jpg
- Category:Passports of France
- Category:Passports of Canada
- Category:Passports of Belgium
- Category:Passports of Switzerland
- Category:Passports of Lebanon
- Category:Passports of Rwanda
- Category:Passports of Australia (Australian passports have French inside)
- Category:Passports of Ireland (Irish passports have French inside, as well as English and Irish)
- Category:Passports of the United States (US passports have French, as well as English and Spanish)
- Category:Passports of the United Kingdom (British passports have French inside)
- Category:Passports of Austria (Australian passports have French inside, as well as English and German)
- Category:Passports of Brazil (Brazilian passports have French, as well as Portuguese, English and Spanish)
- Category:Passports of Finland (Finnish passports have French inside)
- Category:Passports of Germany (German passports have French inside, as well as English and German)
- Category:Passports of Lithuania (Lithuanian passports have French inside, as well as English and Lithuanian)
- Category:Passports of Argentina (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have French) - This is because older Argentine passports had French and French is a major diplomatic language) - Current Argentine passports have a small message in French
- Category:Passports of Bulgaria (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have French) - This is because older Bulgarian passports had French and French is a major diplomatic language)
- Category:Passports of Cuba - Older Cuban passports had French
- Category:Passports of Greece (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have French) - This is because older Greek passports had French and French is a major diplomatic language)
- Category:Passports of Hungary (Older passports had French)
- Category:Passports of Israel (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have French) - This is because older Israeli passports had French and French is a major diplomatic language - See old laissez-passer: 1 (Archive) 2 (Archive)
- Category:Passports of Japan (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have French) - This is because older Japanese passports had French (Archive) and French is a major diplomatic language
- Category:Passports of Norway (Older Norwegian passports had French)
- Category:Passports of Poland (Older Polish passports had French)
- Category:Passports of Romania (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have French) - This is because older Romanian passports had French and French is a major diplomatic language
- Category:Passports of Taiwan (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have French) - This is because older Taiwanese passports had French and French is a major diplomatic language
- Category:Passports of Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovak passports had French)
- Category:Passports of the German Democratic Republic (GDR passports had French)
- Category:Passports of Yugoslavia (Yugoslav passports had French)
- File:Christian Karembeu.jpg
- File:La.Vie.de.Mahomet.jpg
- File:Ebadi.jpg
- File:Air Tahiti Nui A340.jpg
- File:Marion_Cotillard_(July_2009)_1.jpg
- File:Image-526196-galleryV9-rboe.jpg
- File:Calendar Thessaloniki 1896.jpg
- File:Air Afrique Airbus A300B4-203 TU-TAO GVA 1982-5-20.png
- File:WP countries and versions in Northern Africa and the Middle East.png
- File:Plaque Chou En-Laï, 17 rue Godefroy, Paris 13.jpg
- File:Anne Hathaway at the 2007 Deauville American Film Festival-01A.jpg
- File:Anne Hathaway at the 2007 Deauville American Film Festival-01.jpg
- All images and category of Category:2007 Deauville American Film Festival
- File:Nationair DC-8-61 C-GMXQ FAO 1989.png
- File:Algerian Girl.jpg
- File:Prayer in Cairo 1865.jpg
- File:Rwanda Classroom edited.png
- File:Delta Air Lines Boeing 747-400 KvW.jpg
- File:Turkish Airlines Boeing 707 at Zurich - April 1976.jpg
- File:Khadija al-Kubra.jpg
- File:20 Août 1955 EL HALIA.jpg
- File:L'Algérie en guerre contre la fraude au Bac.jpg
- File:SpeakFrenchBeClean.jpg
- File:Cisco telephone at YVR.jpg
- File:Maison W. Hanning.jpg
- File:Ban Ki-Moon Davos 2011.jpg
- Category:Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum
- File:Ban Ki-Moon Davos 2011 Cropped.jpg
- File:Pervez Musharraf - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2008 number3.jpg
- File:Mélanie Laurent - August 2009.jpg
- Nina Dobrev
- File:French wikipedia map.png
- File:Decathlon istanbul.jpg
- File:Greek Street Name.jpg
- File:Charles d'Angoulême et Louise de Savoie jouant aux échecs.jpg
- File:Skyservice.a320.750pix.jpg
- File:SSV752atgate.jpg
- File:Bedd.svg
- File:US Navy 090425-M-9917S-314 Canadian Army soldiers assigned to Alpha Company, 3d Battalion, 22d Regiment of Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force-24 depart a U.S. Navy landing craft air cushion (LCAC) and deploy onto Mayp.jpg
- File:Hommes femmes et scènes du Sénégal-Jacques Grasset de Saint Sauveur mg 8495.jpg
- File:Karuzi Burundi goats.jpg
- File:Ottoman_Syria_1918.png
- File:FEisalKingdom.png
- File:Two Kanak (Canaque) warriors posing with penis gourds and spears, New Caledonia.jpg
- File:Kabylia-3lingual sign.jpg
- File:Basankusu collecting firewood by Francis Hannaway.jpg
- File:Airfrance fgzch a330200 1.jpg
- File:Deng xxixian.jpg
- File:CARA servicing a CSA Czech Airlines flight in Montreal.jpg
- File:TiziOuzou University-Thesis.JPG
- File:Tizi Ouzou Tasdawit.jpg
- File:"Putting an End to Nuclear Explosions" by CTBTO.jpg
- Template:PD-USGov-CIA
- File:Air Transat Airbus A310 C-GPAT.jpg
- File:Wikipedia for World Heritage logo fr.png
- File:Religion distribution Africa crop.png
- File:Greek Janissaries - Greek youths who are being converted to Islam - Young Greeks at the Mosque - oil painting on canvas - Jean Léon Gérôme - 1865.JPG
- File:L-2360-a 0008 1 t24-C-R0072.jpg
- File:Automated machine at Paris Métro.JPG
- File:Naval battle between Taiping-Qing on Yangtze.jpg
- File:Inuit Amautiq 1995-06-15.jpg
- File:ShaniaTwainJunoAwardsMar2011.jpg
- File:Aeroflot Airbus A310-300 F-OGQS CDG 1993.png
- File:Guernésiais BBC sticker.jpg
- File:Iah d lineup.jpg
- File:Dien bien phu castor or siege deinterlaced.png
- File:Fdr sidefront.png
- File:Sollbruchstelle ICE1.jpg
- File:KoreanAirA380delivery.jpg
- File:Naftal.jpg
- File:Pan Am Boeing 747 at Zurich Airport in May 1985.jpg
- File:Fon Kwabo.jpg
- File:Pitot tube with Bernoullis law fr.svg
- File:LFPO_-_FAA_airport_diagram.png
- {{OTRS received}} - please improve
- MediaWiki:Gadget-ThumbnailPurger/fr please update from MediaWiki:Gadget-ThumbnailPurger.
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:05, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:BC koeppen.png and File:Vancouver_Gulf_koeppen.png - Looking for translation text in climate map. If you could post translation to my talk page, I can add translations and upload French versions. Redtitan (talk) 04:20, 24 July 2016 (UTC)
English to Fula
[edit]English to German
[edit]- File:Potpisnici londonskog mira.jpg
- File:Armenian population map 1896.jpg
- File:DifferingApportionment.svg
- Category:AF 447 memorial - Translation of main page and the daughter images
- Category:Passports of Austria
- Category:Passports of Germany
- Category:Passports of the German Democratic Republic
- Category:Passports of Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovak passports had German)
- Was soll man denn bei diesen Kategorieseiten übersetzen? De728631 (talk) 21:51, 15 June 2016 (UTC)
- @De728631: The description field should be translated, so there is text in German describing each file WhisperToMe (talk) 19:58, 14 July 2019 (UTC)
- @WhisperToMe:
Done De728631 (talk) 21:47, 15 July 2019 (UTC)
- @WhisperToMe:
- @De728631: The description field should be translated, so there is text in German describing each file WhisperToMe (talk) 19:58, 14 July 2019 (UTC)
- Was soll man denn bei diesen Kategorieseiten übersetzen? De728631 (talk) 21:51, 15 June 2016 (UTC)
- File:Image-526202-galleryV9-ppub.jpg
- File:1938 Naka yoshi sangoku.jpg
- File:Tripartite Pact 27 September 1940.jpg
- File:Parteiadler Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (1933–1945).svg
- File:DönitzDetentionReport.png
- Category:Maps of Port Said
- File:Majdanek Komora Gazowa.JPG
- File:Enemy's language.jpg
- File:German instrument of surrender2.jpg
- File:Kennzeichen für Schutzhäftlinge in den Konzentrationslagern.jpg (image description)
- File:PL Belzec extermination camp 1.jpg
- File:Gitler-vizvolitel.jpg
- File:Auschwitz Resistance 282 cropped.JPG
- File:Notification on 21 October 1941.jpg - Also please transcribe the German text
- File:CGI Human Walk.jpg - originally this had a German and English description. Both were missing relevant information about the image (included in Wikipedia:Walking) which I added in English. Please add this also to the German description.
- Category:German Wikipedia Tokyo Meetings (Category and all images within)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:06, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- Template:Oldmapslink
- File:Ottoman Navy at the Golden Horn.jpg
- Template:Email templates/Consent needs translating to German. As it's not translated, Commons:Volunteer Response Team/de#Einverständniserklärung für alle Anfragen is still in English. Template:Email templates/Consent/fr can be used as an example of a translated template. Thanks! Cryptic-waveform (talk) 15:31, 25 January 2023 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Georgian
[edit]- File:Ex-Russian embassy in Georgia 2008.jpg
- File:Swe-emb-tbilisi-2008.jpg
- File:Zdanie shkoly no2.Chinval.JPG
- File:US Constitution translated to the Georgian language.pdf (Description only, since actual file is in Georgian)
- File:Dmitry Medvedev address on 26 August 2008 regarding Abkhazia & South Ossetia.ogg (Description, and you can add Georgian subtitles translated from the original Russian)
WhisperToMe (talk) 14:28, 1 July 2010 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:06, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Greek
[edit]- Category:Passports of Greece
- Category:Passports of Cyprus
- File:Potpisnici londonskog mira.jpg
- File:Greek lithograph celebrating the Ottoman Constitution.png
- File:1911 Ottoman Calendar.jpg
- File:Young Turk Revolution - Flayer for the constitution.png
- File:Helios 737 olympia.jpg
- File:LaudaAirOE-LNR-FrankZappa1.JPG
- File:20090731 korinthos canal49.jpg
- File:Bulgarian family in the Ottoman Empire, 19th century.jpg
- File:Calendar Thessaloniki 1896.jpg
- File:TOC-01.jpg
- File:Greek lithograph celebrating the Ottoman Constitution.png
- File:Airline offices across from the main train station in Frankfurt.jpg
- File:Olympic flame at opening ceremony.jpg
- File:Helios Airways Boeing 737-300 5D-DBY PRG 2005-3-31.png
- File:Greek Street Name.jpg - Full sentence needs to be translated
- File:Greek Janissaries - Greek youths who are being converted to Islam - Young Greeks at the Mosque - oil painting on canvas - Jean Léon Gérôme - 1865.JPG
WhisperToMe (talk) 09:41, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:07, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Hassaniyya (Hassaniya Arabic)
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 03:10, 16 October 2012 (UTC)
English to Haitian Creole
[edit]- File:Rubbles of the cathedral after the earthquake that hit the Capital Port au Prince just before 5 pm on 12 January 2010.jpg
- File:Haitian national palace earthquake.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 19:28, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
English to Hebrew
[edit]- Golan Heights
- File:Hazefirah_8-1903.jpg
- File:Bedouin IDF1949.jpg
- File:GalilSchoolSign.jpg
- File:Egyptian Alexandria Jewish girls during BatMitzva.jpg
- File:Gesiowka commemorative plaque at 34 Anielewicza Street.JPG
- File:1911 Ottoman Calendar.jpg
- File:Homage to Aliaa Elmahdi.jpg
- File:TalitakumiS.jpg
- File:Chiune Sugihara's Plaque at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.jpg
- File:Eilat's Airport.JPG
- File:PL Belzec extermination camp 1.jpg
- File:Bill Clinton, Yitzhak Rabin, Yasser Arafat at the White House 1993-09-13.jpg
- File:Triangle Fire Grave.jpg
- Category:Passports of Israel (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have Hebrew)
- Category:Israel Railways (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have Hebrew)
- File:Begin, Carter and Sadat at Camp David 1978.jpg
- File:No Israel.svg
- File:Targafabbrica.jpeg
- File:Orphanschoolmosque.jpg
- File:WP countries and versions in Northern Africa and the Middle East.png
- Category:PD Israel & British Mandate
- File:DemolishedPalestinianHome.jpg
- File:Ho Feng Shan plaque (Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum).jpg
- File:Declaration of State of Israel 1948.jpg
- File:Page from Yiddish-Hebrew-Latin-German dictionary by Elijah Levita.jpg
- File:Cats having sex in Israel.jpg
- File:Jerusalem Holy Sepulchre BW 22.JPG
WhisperToMe (talk) 23:06, 25 March 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:07, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Hindi
[edit]- File:Gas mixing station - Avvertenze in hindi e in oriya.JPG
- File:A lady at srinagar.JPG
- File:MultilingualismEnglishKannadaHindi.jpg
- File:Quadrilingual Train Name written in Kannada-Hindi-Tamil-English.jpg
- File:Trisulam railway station nameboard.JPG
- File:Plaqueinbantry.jpg
- File:TajMahalbyAmalMongia.jpg
- File:©India.Karnataka.Gulbarga.Railway Station.JPG
- File:Air India Flight 182 monument.jpg
- File:The Minister of State for Minority Affairs (Independent Charge) and Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi with the Haj Minister of Saudi Arabia, Dr. Mohammad Saleh bin Taher Benten, at Jeddah (Saudi Arabia).jpg
- File:Nariman-Point Bombay 2005.JPG
- File:SCO Summit Ekaterinburg 2009.jpg
- File:Sonagachi jon gresham 1.jpg
- File:Sukarno with children and Nehru.jpg
- File:Young_monk,_wearing_a_special_costume,_Desert_road_in_China,_July-August_1991,_Sikkim,_India.jpg
- File:Timur defeats the sultan of Delhi.jpg
- File:MarineDrive WeekendNight.jpg
- File:Mumbai skyline.jpg
- File:Candlelight Rally Against Rape - Sector-V - Salt Lake City - Kolkata 2012-12-29 2107.JPG
- File:N.delhi bus.jpg
- File:Indira2.jpg
- File:Air-India Boeing 707-400 Manteufel.jpg
- File:New Delhi railway station board.jpg
- File:Marakkanam Salt Pans.JPG
- File:Bajpe plane crash (52).jpg
- File:Sino-Indian Geography.png
- File:Devanagari Hindi on Trams.jpg
- File:Digraphia in Hindustani.png
- File:Constitution of India.jpg
- File:WikipediaOverviewSession.jpg
- File:Badruka Computer Lab.jpg
- File:Economy class meal on board a Kingfisher Airlines domestic flight.jpg
- File:Prince or noble visiting the women's quarters or zenana.jpg
- File:India map 1700 1792.jpg
- File:Fruitseller at Vasco.JPG
- File:Naga Jolokia Peppers.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 15:36, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:07, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Croatian
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 08:49, 17 April 2013 (UTC)
English to Hungarian
[edit]- Category:Passports of Hungary
- File:Trilingv.jpg
- File:2011-04-11 Tower Flughafen Budapest Ferihegy 01.jpg
- File:Airport Budapest Terminal 1 (4977).jpg
- File:Romungro.jpg
- File:Emergency-exit.jpg
- File:MongolsInHungary1285.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 02:06, 17 January 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:13, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Armenian
[edit]- File:Armenian population map 1896.jpg
- File:Instruction of the Ministery of the Interior on april 24.png
- File:1911 Ottoman Calendar.jpg
- File:Hamidianmassacres.jpg
- File:The Soviet Union 1969 CPA 3799 stamp (Komitas and Rural Scene).jpg
- File:Multilingual road sign in Glendale, CA.jpg
- File:Fabrication du lavash à Noravank (1).jpg
- All images in Category:Zvartnots airport
- File:Calendar Thessaloniki 1896.jpg
- File:Assyrian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan, Armenia.JPG
- File:Armavia Airbus A320 Misko-1.jpg
- File:Armavia CRJ200.jpg
- File:Armavia Il-86 EK-86118 DME 2005-9-23.png
- File:Armavia-zvartnots.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 11:47, 7 November 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:13, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Rundi
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 21:02, 5 September 2012 (UTC)
English to Indonesian
[edit]- File:Virgin Hills Panorama.JPG
- File:Tire and memorial of Martin Air flight 138.jpg
- File:A Tire of Martin Air flight 138.jpg
- File:Memorial of Martin Air Flight 138.jpg
- File:Crash location of Martin Air Flight 138.jpg
- File:2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake relief2.jpg
- File:Royal Brunei Airlines Airbus A320 Mutzair-1.jpg
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:30, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Irish
[edit]- Category:Passports of Ireland
- File:Multilingual sign Department Culture Leisure Arts Northern Ireland.jpg
- File:Signs in Irish - geograph.org.uk - 51693.jpg
- File:Self check-in at Dublin Airport.jpg
- Check the Gaelic at File:No. 44 Kildare St. Dublin 06-2011.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 05:00, 3 June 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:30, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Italian
[edit]- Category:Swissair Flight 111 - category and all files
- File:Potpisnici londonskog mira.jpg
- File:Pescara quelle 08.jpg
- File:Corsican nationalism.jpg
- File:Map of downtown Rome during the Roman Empire large.png
- File:Mohameddemons2.jpg
- File:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-L09218, Berlin, Japanische Botschaft.jpg
- File:Tripartite Pact 27 September 1940.jpg
- File:Turkish Airlines Boeing 707 at Zurich - April 1976.jpg
- File:Air Dolomiti inflight snack 2009.jpg
- File:Leaving Italy for a better life 1890s.jpg
- File:El Agheila Concentration Camp.jpg
- File:Solomiya Krushelnytska and husband Cesare Riccioni.jpg
- File:Costa Concordia.JPG
- File:Image-526169-galleryV9-qjfr.jpg
- File:Pervez Musharraf - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2008 number3.jpg
- File:Enemy's language.jpg
- File:Air Transat Airbus A310 C-GPAT.jpg
- File:Ban Ki-Moon Davos 2011.jpg
- File:Ban Ki-Moon Davos 2011 Cropped.jpg
- File:28as - Swissair MD-11; HB-IWF@ZRH;14.07.1998 (4713082874).jpg
- File:Barqa2.jpg
- File:Church of Al Bayda.jpg
- File:Mohameddemons2.jpg
- File:Garment Workers on Strike, New York City circa 1913.jpg
- File:Sollbruchstelle ICE1.jpg
- File:1938 Naka yoshi sangoku.jpg
- BOAC Flight 781
WhisperToMe (talk) 22:02, 10 September 2010 (UTC)
- {{IMOcat}}
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:32, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Inuktitut
[edit]- File:Inuktitut dialect map.svg
- File:Inuit Amautiq 1995-06-15.jpg
- File:Eskimo Family NGM-v31-p564.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 19:37, 18 March 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:32, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Japanese
[edit]- Template:FOP-buildings-category warning -- WhisperToMe (talk) 06:27, 3 December 2010 (UTC)
- File:MoriokaStudentinnen.JPG -- WhisperToMe (talk) 21:59, 2 September 2010 (UTC)
- File:Air New Zealand, Boeing 787-9 ZK-NZE 'All Blacks' NRT (27091961041).jpg
- File:Sugihara-tablica.JPG
- File:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-L09218, Berlin, Japanische Botschaft.jpg
- File:Multilingual sign in Macau.png
- File:1940 issued visa by consul Sugihara in Lithuania.jpg
- File:Tripartite Pact 27 September 1940.jpg
- File:Joe Biden welcomes Japanese PM Suga to the White House April 2021 (1).jpg
- File:Plattegrond van Deshima.jpg
- File:Hk japo westerner.jpg
- File:Japanese_soldiers_post_instructive_Japanese_posters.jpg
- File:Japanese People.jpg
- File:Keijō map of 1913 in English by the Imperial Japanese Government Railways.jpg
- File:The Imperial Japanese Diet, Tokyo - the House of Representatives Art.IWMARTLD5841.jpg
- File:Bow Ditama 20081102 Chibi Japan Expo 03.jpg
- File:Enemy's language.jpg
- File:乗り継ぎ便 (3338674733).jpg - Copenhagen airport signs
- File:Chiune Sugihara's Plaque at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.jpg
- File:SPM A7786.jpg
- File:COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Schets van de Japanse intocht in Batavia zoals de Japanners het zich voorstelden TMnr 10001766.jpg
- File:Manchuguo Poster.harmony of J,C and Mpeople.jpg
- File:Wakkanai Russian sign.jpg
- File:Beichuansigntomuseum.jpg (see image for the Japanese characters on the sign)
- File:Disablemarker.jpg
- Category:Passports of Japan (category name
Done - Make sure pages within category have Japanese descriptions)
- File:Samurai with sword.jpg
- File:ObataSign.JPG
- File:Flag on the Consulate of Japan in Saint Petersburg.jpg
- File:Luiz Koizumi 2010.jpg
- File:Vuelo Iberia Madrid- Tokio (1986) (5811683974).jpg
- File:'BEWARE FALLING COCONUTS' sign in Honolulu, Hawaii.JPG
- File:Tao Lin in 2010.jpg (photo was taken in Japan)
- Category:Passport stamps of Japan
- File:DELTA Airlines B747-400 departing from Tokyo Narita Airport.JPG
- File:Rape scene - Utagawa KUNIYOSHI.jpg
- File:Vegetarian Curry.jpeg
- File:FAT Boeing 757 Palau Airport Spijkers.jpg
- File:Delta Air Lines Boeing 747-400 KvW.jpg
- File:Tokyo Metro Fukutoshin Line Shibuya.jpg
- File:Lee Teng-hui younger .jpg
- File:Lee Teng-hui with brother.jpg
- File:Franziska von Karma cosplay.PNG
- File:Carlos Ghosn Kyushu by Bertel Schmitt.jpg
- File:Liberdade sao paulo.jpg
- File:Koizumi 2010 cropped.png
- File:Lee Teng-hui 2004.jpg
- File:Japanese flags in Okinawa.jpg
- File:Regions and Prefectures of Japan 2.svg
- File:Manchuguo Poster.harmony of J,C and Mpeople.jpg
- File:Big Boy Restaurant Chofu Tokyo M3343.jpg
- File:Rubin Miyazawa 19990426.jpg
- File:Seattle - old Uwijimaya building 04.jpg
- File:SIA B777-212ER take-off.jpg
- File:Japanese school uniform 0868.jpg
- File:Feng Zhenghu on bench.jpg
- File:FengZhenghu ChineseTShirt.JPG
- File:Baskin-Robbins TigerCity Taichung.jpg
- File:Toyota Headquarter Toyota City.jpg
- Category:Schoolgirls of Japan (category name
Done - Make sure pages within category have Japanese descriptions)
- File:Airfrance fgzch a330200 1.jpg
- File:Utada Hikaru Kanto 2004.jpg
- File:Blamey Japanese surrender.jpg
- File:Japanese camp administrator Ikeuchi at Morotai.jpg
- File:Manage the Wikipedia Articles on You.pdf - The description only - While there is a short English description, it needs to be synced with the Japanese description
- File:Wikimedia in Japan- Acculturation and Outreach.pdf - The description only
- File:NaritaExpressPanelRoute.JPG
- File:Hokusai sketches - hokusai manga vol6.jpg
- File:Inside Mitsuwa Torrance.jpg
- File:The_Hong_Eng,_ethnic_Chinese_in_Indonesia,_ID_card_during_Japanese_occupation,_1943.jpg
- File:Haori hakama.jpg
- File:EVA Air Taoyuan EGAT building.jpg
- File:XW B737-800 B-5138.jpg
- File:Hamano Etamura.JPG
- File:HayaoMiyazakiCCJuly09.jpg
- Category:School uniforms of Japan (category page
Done - Pages within category, please make sure they have Japanese descriptions)
- File:Cathay Pacific L-1011 at Osaka Airport.jpg
- File:Akie Abe, 2007Apr26.jpg
- File:Roppongi Hills Mori Tower from Tokyo Tower Day cropped.jpg
- File:Roppongi Hills Mori Tower from Tokyo Tower Day.jpg
- File:JoiLearyterminusJI1.jpg
- File:SchoolLunch KyushokuToban.jpg
- File:WM2006 0337.jpg
- File:Kanagawa highschool class.jpg
- File:Wikimania 2008 Alexandria - Aphaia - 2.jpg
- File:Wikimania 2007 VIP Party - Frances and Aphaia.jpg
- File:Japoneses no brasil.jpg
- Commons:Fan art
- File:Oe kenzaburo japaninstitut koeln 041108.jpg - His name is stated in Japanese but the full description needs to be in Japanese
- File:Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.jpg
- Category:Dead children of Japan (category name only)
- File:Hokusai sketches - hokusai manga vol6.jpg
- File:Hokusai-sketches---hokusai-manga-vol6-crop.jpg
- File:UlloaESDededoGuam.jpg (So far only the school name is in Japanese)
- File:BenaventeMSGuam.jpg (So far only the school name is in Japanese)
- File:SantaBarbaraSchoolDededoGuam.jpg (So far only the school name is in Japanese)
- File:One Piece - Log-Pose.svg
- Category:Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport - Images inside this category
- This category and all images need translation into Japanese: Category:Shinkansen maps WhisperToMe (talk) 00:35, 19 July 2010 (UTC)
- This category and all images, sub categories, and their images need Japanese: Category:One Piece WhisperToMe (talk) 12:19, 14 October 2010 (UTC)
- This category and all images, sub categories, and their images need Japanese: Category:Naruto WhisperToMe (talk) 13:55, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
- File:Naruto gradi.png needs a Japanese description
AND a Japanese version needs to be made.WhisperToMe (talk) 02:25, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
- {{IMOcat}}
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:31, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Javanese
[edit]- File:COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Etenstijd in de gevangenis van Malang Java TMnr 10001527.jpg
- File:COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Studioportret met de echtgenote van kunstschilder Raden Saleh en een bediende Batavia TMnr 60043601.jpg
- File:COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM De familie C.H. Japing met tante Jet en oom Jan Breeman aan de rijsttafel Bandoeng TMnr 10030167.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 03:47, 18 September 2012 (UTC)
English to Jola-Fonyi
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 00:04, 15 November 2012 (UTC)
English to Kabyle
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 18:11, 20 September 2012 (UTC)
English to Kazakh
[edit]- File:Xinjiang nationalities by prefecture 2000.png
- File:Vladimir Putin in Iran 16-17 October 2007-9.jpg
- File:Shanghai Five Leaders 2.jpg
- File:Dmitry Medvedev in South Korea, March 2012-15.jpeg
- File:Dmitry Medvedev in Azerbaijan 18 November 2010-4.jpeg
- File:Putin and Hu JintaoPeace Mission 2007.jpg
- File:Vladimir Putin in Sochi 1-2 August 2001-13.jpg
- File:SCO Summit Ekaterinburg 2009.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 23:26, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:33, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Kabuverdianu (Cape Verdean Creole)
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 19:17, 4 September 2012 (UTC)
English to Khmer
[edit]- File:Sihanouk3.png WhisperToMe (talk) 22:10, 11 April 2011 (UTC)
- File:Concentration camp rules.jpg WhisperToMe 09:13, 29 April 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:33, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Northern Kurdish
[edit]English to Kannada
[edit]- File:Road in India (5472802655).jpg
- File:©India.Karnataka.Gulbarga.Railway Station.JPG
- File:MultilingualismEnglishKannadaHindi.jpg
- File:Quadrilingual Train Name written in Kannada-Hindi-Tamil-English.jpg
- File:Bajpe plane crash (52).jpg
- File:WikipediaOverviewSession.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 02:36, 5 October 2012 (UTC)
English to Goan Konkani
[edit]WhisperToMe 06:48, 30 April 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:33, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Korean
[edit]- Important: Template:PD-USGov-NTSB
- Commons:WikiProject Korea - All items seen. Some Korean has been added, but all items need Korean WhisperToMe (talk) 20:22, 25 February 2012 (UTC)
- File:KAL007747-2.png -- WhisperToMe (talk) 12:36, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
- File:Beijing to Pyongyang train.jpg
- File:Kalflt902.png -- WhisperToMe (talk) 01:48, 13 September 2010 (UTC) (edited by Common Good (talk) 18:45, 4 April 2011 (UTC)
- Items in Category:Japanese Embassy, Seoul
- File:The world's largest IKEA near the KTX Gwangmyeong Station, Seoul Capital Area, South Korea.jpg
- File:CongressBuilding SEATO.jpg
- File:Japan-Korea Cooperative Unity World Leader Postcard 1920s.png
- File:Laika ac Pyongyang (12074843383).jpg
- File:Beichuansigntomuseum.jpg (see image for the Korean characters on the sign)
- File:Seoul pay toilet.jpg
- File:Dol.jpg
- File:Marilyn Monroe, Korea, 1954 (cropped).jpg
- File:Marilyn Monroe, Korea, 1954.jpg
- File:SPM A7786.jpg
- File:Shin Okubo Daytime.jpg (Korean neighborhood in Japan)
- File:Gwanghui-dong, Seoul Russian-speaking church and Kyrgyz restaurant.jpg
- File:APEC gala dinner 2006-Nov-18.jpg
- File:Asiana Airlines Boeing 777-200ER; HL7742@HKG;31.07.2011 614fz (6052589349).jpg
- File:KoreanAirA380delivery.jpg
- File:Vladimir Putin 4 August 2001-2.jpg
- File:OpponentsSitIn-CampHumphreys.gif
- File:Kmart.jpg
- File:Dmitry Medvedev in South Korea, March 2012-15.jpeg
- File:San Francisco Vigil for Laura Ling and Euna Lee.jpg
- File:Namyang overview.jpg
- File:Korean youth on Pyongyang street.jpg
- File:USAGH-REC1.jpg
- File:"Putting an End to Nuclear Explosions" by CTBTO.jpg
- File:USAGH-SIGHTS2.jpg
- File:Ban Ki-Moon Davos 2011.jpg
- File:Ban Ki-Moon Davos 2011 Cropped.jpg
- File:USAGH-SIGHTS1.jpg
- File:Pyeongtaek2.gif
- File:USAGH-SCHOOL1.jpg
- File:USAGH-REC2.jpg
- File:Samarqand Afrasiab cemetery2.jpg
- File:SinoKorea Friendship Bridge.jpg
- File:BD-propagande colour en.jpg
- File:Broad Avenue Palisades Park.jpg
- File:BD-propagande-2 (en).jpg
- WhisperToMe (talk) 23:06, 18 April 2011 (UTC)
- {{IMOcat}}
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:32, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Kyrgyz
[edit]- File:Shanghai Five Leaders 2.jpg
- File:SCO Summit Ekaterinburg 2009.jpg
- File:키르기스스탄 4월 혁명 기념 추모행사.jpg
- File:IMG_9600.JPG
WhisperToMe (talk) 06:45, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:34, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Central Kurdish
[edit]- File:Abandoned Iraqi Airways office.jpg
- File:Siège d'Irbil 1258-1259.jpeg
- File:Kurdish Food - Alder Street - geograph.org.uk - 1717250.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 22:19, 10 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:35, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Ladino
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 03:34, 11 February 2013 (UTC)
English to Latin
[edit]- Category:Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum
- File:Latin dictionary.jpg
- File:PtolemyWorldMap.jpg
- File:PtomelyAsiaDetail.jpg
- File:Incunabula distribution by language.png
- File:OrteliusWorldMap.jpeg
- File:Museum of Sousse - Mosaics 2 detail.jpg
- File:AMH-6599-KB View of the island of St Helena.jpg (description and transcribing Latin text)
- File:FourmontGrammar.jpg
- File:China Illustrata.jpg
- File:Khadija al-Kubra.jpg
- File:The Papal Belvedere.jpg
- File:Claudius Ptolemy- The World.jpg
- File:Calligraphy.malmesbury.bible.arp.jpg
- File:Roman Empire under Hadrian-zh-classical.png (description only)
- File:Page from Yiddish-Hebrew-Latin-German dictionary by Elijah Levita.jpg
- File:L-2360-a 0008 1 t24-C-R0072.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 19:39, 22 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:35, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Latvian
[edit]- File:Tractor Belarus Schneeraumer Riga Flughafen.JPG -- WhisperToMe (talk) 00:03, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:35, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Lingala
[edit]- File:Lingala-pn.jpg
- File:DRC Rwanda line.jpg
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:35, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Lao
[edit]- File:Hmong girls in Laos 1973.jpg
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:35, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Lithuanian
[edit]- Category:Passports of Lithuania (Make sure all pages have Lithuanian)
- File:1940 issued visa by consul Sugihara in Lithuania.jpg
- File:EuroLOT-ATR-72-202-SP-LFC-landing-VNO.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 00:41, 27 March 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:35, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Luo
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 04:16, 13 November 2012 (UTC)
English to Māori
[edit]- Category:Passports of New Zealand (New Zealand passports have Maori inside)
WhisperToMe (talk) 08:01, 17 April 2013 (UTC)
English to Manchu
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 18:05, 14 May 2016 (UTC)
English to mnk
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 00:02, 15 November 2012 (UTC)
English to Marathi
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 07:25, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:35, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Maltese
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 00:42, 14 September 2012 (UTC)
English to Malay
[edit]- File:Eidulfitr meal.jpg
- File:JUSCOMaluri01327.jpg
- File:IllegalWorkersSign-Singapore-20070316.jpg
- File:SIA B777-212ER take-off.jpg
- File:Yuna (singer).jpg
- File:Electrical danger sign.jpg
- File:B Yakimanka 12,10 May 2010 01.JPG
- File:Quadrilingual danger sign - Singapore (gabbe).jpg
- File:Lee Kuan Yew Cohen.jpg
- File:Royal Brunei Airlines Boeing 737-200 Wallner.jpg
- File:Royal.brunei.b767-300er.v8-rbk.arp.jpg
- File:Royal Brunei Airlines Airbus A320 PER Monty-1.jpg
- File:Royal Brunei Boeing 767 in at Brisbane Airport.jpg
- File:V8-BLB, Royal Brunei, Boeing 777-200ER.jpg
- File:Royal Brunei Airlines Airbus A320 Mutzair-1.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 06:17, 9 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:35, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Malayalam
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 02:51, 27 June 2013 (UTC)
English to Manipuri
Awangba Mangang (talk) 18:02, 3 August 2018 (UTC)
- @Awangba Mangang: There is no such file, so what should we translate? De728631 (talk) 20:32, 3 August 2018 (UTC)
English to Mongolian
[edit]Traditional Mongolian, but Cyrillic is also welcome too
WhisperToMe (talk) 02:05, 26 January 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:36, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Mossi
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 19:59, 17 October 2012 (UTC)
English to Manchu
[edit]- File:Manchuguo Poster.harmony of J,C and Mpeople.jpg
- File:An Activity of Manchu Language by the Government and students in Changchun.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 22:03, 12 November 2012 (UTC)
English to Hmong Daw (Hmong Dawb)
[edit]Put requests in Hmong Dawb/Hmong Daw/White Hmong here.
- File:Hmong girls in Laos 1973.jpg
- File:20110404 Hmong Village Recycling Award 109.jpg
- File:Mee Moua Oct 30 2008.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 19:44, 15 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:37, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to North Ndebele
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 07:54, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:37, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Nepali
[edit]- File:Young_monk,_wearing_a_special_costume,_Desert_road_in_China,_July-August_1991,_Sikkim,_India.jpg (Nepali is the main language of Sikkim)
WhisperToMe (talk) 16:52, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
English to Norwegian
[edit]- Category:Passports of Norway
- File:Wikimedia Norge-logo.svg
- File:SAS MD-87 SE-DMA.jpg
- File:Nazi-occupied Parliament of Norway 1941.jpg
- File:Christian Krogh-Albertine i politilægens venteværelse.jpg
- File:Norwegian-road-sign-626.0.svg
- File:Diversity of youth in Oslo Norway.jpg
- File:Amerikansk ambassade oslo 1.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 13:25, 8 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:37, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:Norwegian soldiers in Faryab Province.jpg
- File:NorwegiansolderHK416.jpg --Z 15:22, 1 July 2014 (UTC)
English to Norwegian Nynorsk
[edit]- Category:Passports of Norway
- File:Wikimedia Norge-logo.svg
- File:Norwegian-road-sign-626.0.svg
- File:Nazi-occupied Parliament of Norway 1941.jpg
- File:SAS MD-87 SE-DMA.jpg
- File:Amerikansk ambassade oslo 1.jpg
- File:Diversity of youth in Oslo Norway.jpg
- File:Christian Krogh-Albertine i politilægens venteværelse.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 13:25, 8 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:38, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:Norwegian soldiers in Faryab Province.jpg
- File:NorwegiansolderHK416.jpg --Z 15:23, 1 July 2014 (UTC)
English to Odia
[edit]English to Ossetic
[edit]In all of these, make sure Russian is also included!
- Category:Beslan and its daughter categories
- Category:Beslan school hostage crisis and its daughter categories
- File:Caucasus-ethnic volkengroepen.png
- File:Beslan kollazh.jpg
- File:Zdanie shkoly no2.Chinval.JPG
- File:Dmitry Medvedev address on 26 August 2008 regarding Abkhazia & South Ossetia.ogg (Description, and you can add Ossetic subtitles translated from the original Russian)
WhisperToMe (talk) 16:41, 2 November 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:00, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Ottoman Turkish
[edit]- Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Ottoman Empire
- File:Hamidianmassacres.jpg
- File:Letter issued by Sultan Ahmed III assigning a dragoman to a visiting envoy.jpg
- File:Ottoman revenge map after Balkan wars.jpeg
- File:Armenian population map 1896.jpg
- File:1911 Ottoman Calendar.jpg
- File:Calendar Thessaloniki 1896.jpg
- File:Ahmed Vefik Pasha.jpg
- File:Sebah, Pascal – Ottoman Eunuch.JPG
- File:Bulgarian family in the Ottoman Empire, 19th century.jpg
- File:OldmapofMecca.jpg
- File:Constantinople late 19th century.jpg
- File:A postcard depicting Mustafa Kemal as a Muslim hero, with Ahmed Sharif as-Senussi (left) and Saladin (right).jpg
- File:İttihat ve Terakki amblemi.jpg
- File:Zibik.jpg
- File:Punch - The Dogs of War.png
- File:Greek demonastration Bitola 1908.JPG
- File:Konstantin Makovsky - The Bulgarian martyresses.jpg
- File:Poem about Rumi in Ottoman Turkish.jpg
- File:Ottoman_Syria_1918.png
- File:Suleymanname 31b 2.jpg
- File:Suleymanname 31b.jpg
- File:FEisalKingdom.png
WhisperToMe (talk) 06:39, 9 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:38, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Polish
[edit]- Category:Passports of Poland
- A phrase in User:Raboe001/licence
- "This license and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically upon any breach by you of the terms of this license. In this case the author reserves to demand declaration to cease and desist, and compensation (according to the MFM fee references currently in force).
Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder."
- The rest of File:Barbered wire near by the entrance of Auschwitz I.jpg
- File:Birkenau gate.JPG
- File:Polonezkoy.JPG
- File:PolnischeKirche.jpg
- File:Polish passport issued at Danzing, Gdansk.jpg
- File:Hazefirah_8-1903.jpg
- File:Death penalty for Jews outside ghetto and for Poles helping Jews anyway 1941.jpg - A Polish language description is needed
- File:Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1996-030-12A, Danzig, Frau vor Schaufenster.jpg
- File:Lufthansa Flight 2904 crash site Siecinski.jpg
Done Piastu (talk) 10:05, 26 April 2014 (UTC)
- File:Auschwitz Resistance 282 cropped.JPG
- File:Bezledy-Bagrationovsk.jpg
- File:Targafabbrica.jpeg
- File:Auschwitz Resistance 282 cropped.JPG
- File:Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin - 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash.ogv (Image description, and if wanted, Polish subtitles for the video)
- File:Antonov An-26, Radom Air Show 2007.jpg
- File:EuroLOT-ATR-72-202-SP-LFC-landing-VNO.jpg
- File:ATR42 500.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 16:08, 26 August 2010 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 23:38, 21 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Pashto
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 04:41, 16 November 2011 (UTC)
- File:Hamid Karzai at SCO Summit.jpg
- File:SCO Summit Ekaterinburg 2009.jpg
- File:Hamid Karzai, Pervez Musharraf, Fakhruddin Ahmed - WEF Annual Meeting Davos 2008.jpg
- File:Hamid Karzai in February 2009.jpg
- File:SCO Summit Ekaterinburg 2009.jpg
- File:Afghanistan (orthographic projection).svg
- File:Ariana Afghan Airlines DC-10 Fitzgerald.jpg
- File:Ariana Afghan Airlines DC-10-30 YA-LAS 1980-8-10.png
- File:Ariana Afghan A310-300 F-GEMO.jpg
- File:1950s Afghanistan - Public transport in Kabul.jpg
- File:Women of Afghanistan in 1927.jpg
- File:George and Laura Bush with Khaled Hosseini in 2007 detail2.JPG
- File:George and Laura Bush with Khaled Hosseini in 2007.jpg
- File:Battle in Afghanistan.jpg
- File:Ghazi Wazir Akbar Khan.jpg
- File:WazirMohammadAkbarKhan.jpg
- File:Cargo Boeing 747-428(BCF) of National Airlines cropped.jpg
- File:Cargo Boeing 747-428(BCF) of National Airlines.jpg
- File:Mohammad Akbar Khan.jpg
- File:Hosseini, Khaled (with actors).jpg
- File:Memorial Day at the US Embassy in Kabul.jpg
- File:King Habibullah Khan with Afghan military men.jpg
- File:1950s Afghanistan - Afghan Army soldiers on parade.jpg
- File:MiG-15s and Il-28s at Kabul 1959.jpg
- File:Evstafiev-afghan-apc-passes-russian.jpg
- File:Afghan soldiers.jpg
- File:Caldwell with cadets of class 1388 at the National Military Academy of Afghanistan.jpg
- File:Fourteen ANA women marching during their graduation ceremony.jpg
- File:Husn Banu Ghazanfar.jpg
- File:Pashtun girl.jpg
- File:2011 Afghan Independence Day-4.jpg
- File:Wardak-Karimi-Wardak in 2006.jpg
- File:Zahir Azimi and Josef Blotz in 2010.jpg
- File:SCUD 2.JPG
- File:2010 ANA air show.jpg
- File:ANA at KMTC in 2009.jpg
- File:Artilleryman of the Afghan National Army.jpg
- File:ANA C-27s at Kabul-cropped.jpg
- File:Ariana Afghan Airlines Airbus A310 Karakas.jpg
- File:Atlas Air flying off from Kabul Airport in 2010.jpg
- File:Ariana aircraft at Kabul Airport.jpg
- File:Afghan Schoolchildren in Kabul.jpg
- File:Kam Air at Kabul Airport in 2010.jpg
- File:Karl Eikenberry at Kabul International Airport-2.jpg
- File:Karl Eikenberry at Kabul International Airport-4.jpg
- File:Karl Eikenberry at Kabul International Airport.jpg
- File:Karl Eikenberry at Kabul International Airport-5.jpg
- File:Military terminal at Kabul International Airport.jpg
- File:James Stavridis visits the ISAF Joint Command at Kabul Afghanistan International Airport -c.jpg
- File:Kabul International Airport in 2008.jpg
- File:Anders Fogh Rasmussen at Kabul Airport in 2009.jpg
- File:C-27 Afghan military transport plane taking off from Kabul in 2010.jpg
- File:Robert Gates at Kabul International Airport in 2008.JPG
- File:Meena founder of RAWA speaking in 1982.jpg
- File:RAWA protest rally against Taliban in Peshawar April28-1998.jpg
- File:Taliban-herat-2001 ArM.jpg
- File:Afghan lady in Kabul.jpg
- File:Pashtun girl.jpg
- File:Afghan street photographer.png
- File:15c green mosque.jpg
- File:Gowhar Shad.png
- Category:Tomb of Goharshād
- File:Herat citadel.png
- File:Ghazni-Minaret.jpg
- File:Taliban-Torkham-2001.jpg
- File:Samarkand A group of musicians playing for a bacha dancing boy.jpg
- File:Herat Goharshad tomb.jpg
- File:Taliban-herat-2001.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 03:46, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:02, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:Khost children in 2010.jpg
- File:3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines - Afghanistan.jpg
- File:Afghan women in Kabul.jpg
- File:Hillary Clinton with Afghan female politicians in 2011.jpg
- File:NorwegiansolderHK416.jpg
- File:Norwegian soldiers in Faryab Province.jpg
English to Pennsylvania German
[edit]- File:AmishRakingHay.jpg
- File:AmishWorkingField.jpg
- File:Amish children playing baseball, Lyndonville NY.jpg
- File:Lancaster County Amish 02.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 18:13, 31 August 2012 (UTC)
English to Western Punjabi
[edit]English to Portuguese
[edit]- Category:AF 447 memorial - Translation of main page and the daughter images
- Category:Passports of Brazil
- Category:Passports of Argentina (modern Argentine passports have a small message in Portuguese)
- File:Fruitseller at Vasco.JPG
- File:LGPK.jpg
- File:Timor Sprache.jpg
- File:Ricci-Ruggieri-Portuguese-Chinese-dictionary-page-1.png
- File:Multilingual sign in Macau.png
- File:Portuguese wikipedia map.png
- Category:Portuguese Wikipedia maps
- File:South African Airways Boeing 747-200 Aragao-1.jpg
- File:Asma al-Assad and Marisa Leticia.jpg
- File:Nationair DC-8-61 C-GMXQ FAO 1989.png
- File:Portuguese wikipedia map.png
- File:Frontera Brasil-Uruguay.JPG
- File:American Airlines.Airline meal.JFK-GIG.2011.JPG
- File:TAAG 777-200ER.JPG
- File:Liberdade sao paulo.jpg
- File:Yokoono2.jpg
- File:Finalistas do jardim infantil.jpg
- Category:Mai ita aprende portugés ho Emília (the text in the category description)
- File:Religion distribution Africa crop.png
- File:Dmitry Medvedev in China 14 April 2011-2.jpeg
- File:Koizumi 2010 cropped.png
- File:TAP Portugal A320-200 CS-TMW FRA 2011-7-8.png
- File:Maputo-airport-C9-BAI-CJ-AUM.jpg
- File:Wikipedia for World Heritage logo pt.png
- File:Counter SAA Sao Paulo.jpg
- File:Muammar al-Gaddafi, 12th AU Summit, 090202-N-0506A-534 cropped.jpg
- File:Aéroport Marseille-Provence17.jpg -- WhisperToMe (talk) 09:21, 8 December 2010 (UTC)
- File:BD-propagande-2 (en).jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 23:07, 18 April 2011 (UTC)
- Template:PD-BrazilGov Kaldari (talk) 21:25, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
- MediaWiki:Gadget-ThumbnailPurger/pt - please update from MediaWiki:Gadget-ThumbnailPurger
- {{IMOcat}}
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:02, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Riffian
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 00:24, 16 October 2012 (UTC)
English to Romansh
[edit]- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:03, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Romanian
[edit]- Category:Passports of Romania
- File:Flag of Transnistria Republic.jpg (post in Latin and Cyrillic)
- File:Tarom maintenance.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 23:10, 1 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:03, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Russian
[edit]- Україна - Image descriptions in Russian are needed on this page
- ישראל - إسرائيل (Israel)
- File:Potpisnici londonskog mira.jpg
- File:Hong Kong districts map (ru).png ―
- File:Wakkanai Russian sign.jpg ―
- File:RussianAbortionPoster.jpg ―
- File:"Female Muslims- The tsar, beys and khans took your rights away" – Azeri, Baku, 1921 (Mardjani).jpg ―
- File:Aeroflot flight attendant (hostess).jpg ―
- File:Majdanek Komora Gazowa.JPG ―
- File:Three different nationalities on Kitaiskaia Street.JPG ―
- File:Punch - The Dogs of War.png ―
- File:Finlandduchy.jpg ―
- File:Armenian population map 1896.jpg (for Transcaucasia)
- File:Gedenkstatte Flugzeugabsturz Uberlingen Opfer.jpg
- File:Beijing UlaanBaatar Moscow Train.jpg
- File:Rudolf Spanner tablet (1).JPG
- File:Moscow metro ring railway map en sb future.svg
- File:Dagestani man and woman.jpg
- File:Prokudin-Gorskii-44.jpg
- File:Gitler-vizvolitel.jpg
- File:Hazefirah_8-1903.jpg
- File:Seversk checkpoint.jpg
- File:Bezledy-Bagrationovsk.jpg
- File:APEC gala dinner 2006-Nov-18.jpg
- File:Continental Airways T154 RA-85831.jpg
- File:키르기스스탄 4월 혁명 기념 추모행사.jpg
- File:IMG_9600.JPG
- File:Bashar and Asmaa al-Assad in Moscow.jpg
- Category:PD Israel & British Mandate
- File:2010 Polish Tu-154 crash-passengers list.pdf (file description - Also make sure you annotate the document so it can be seen in Russian)
- File:Dmitriy Medvedev in PFUR.2011.jpg
- File:Flag of Transnistria Republic.jpg --
- Category:Passports of Finland (all images inside too, and subcategories and their images) - Because Finnish passports at one time had Russian
- Category:Passports of Bulgaria (all images inside too, and subcategories and their images) because at one time Bulgarian passports had Russian
- Category:Passports of Israel (Please ensure all pictures inside this category and subcategories have Russian)
- Category:Passports of the German Democratic Republic (GDR passports had Russian)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:02, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:Wikivoyage-logo-en.svg. Could a Russian-language version be created, which reads "Викигид", along the lines of File:Wikivoyage-logo-cs.svg? It Is Me Here t / c 11:24, 20 February 2013 (UTC)
- File:Defence ministers of the three allied powers in the Syrian Civil War.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 14:18, 25 June 2017 (UTC)
- File:Akademik Ioffe – Bird Island, NS – (2018-07-16).jpeg – description needs translation (it's a Russian ship).
English to Kinyarwanda
[edit]English to Scots
[edit]English to Sindhi
[edit]English to Serbo-Croatian (hbs)
[edit]English to Serbian
[edit]- Category:Passports of Yugoslavia
- File:Aeroflot flight attendant (hostess).jpg
- File:Notification on 21 October 1941.jpg - Also please transcribe the Serbian text
- File:Spomenik poginulima u zrakoplovnoj nesreći 1976 Mirogoj srpanj 2008.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 04:56, 31 August 2012 (UTC)
English to Serer
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 00:03, 15 November 2012 (UTC)
English to Shona
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 07:54, 27 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:04, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Sinhala
[edit]- File:Tractors. Jan 2009 displacement in the Vanni.jpg
- File:Virgin Hills Panorama.JPG
- File:Tire and memorial of Martin Air flight 138.jpg
- File:A Tire of Martin Air flight 138.jpg
- File:Memorial of Martin Air Flight 138.jpg
- File:Crash location of Martin Air Flight 138.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 07:23, 15 April 2013 (UTC)
English to Sikkimese (sip)
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 16:53, 2 March 2015 (UTC)
English to Slovak
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 02:37, 5 October 2012 (UTC)
English to Slovenian
[edit]English to Somali
[edit]- File:Somlangbooks.jpg
- File:Somgirlegyhs.jpg
- File:Somalian embassy in Paris.jpg
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:04, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Spanish
[edit]- Important: Template:PD-USGov-NTSB
- Template:PD-USGov-POTUS
- Template:PD-FLGov
- Commons:Fan art
- Commons:Nudity
- Template:2257
- Category:Passports of Argentina
- Category:Passports of Cuba
- Category:Passports of the United States (US passports have Spanish, as well as English and French)
- Category:Passports of Brazil (Brazilian passports have Spanish, as well as Portuguese, English and French)
- File:No Child Left Behind Act.jpg - Has a partial Spanish description, but need a full one
- Template:PD-CAGov
- File:Yoani nina con cartel.jpg
- Template:FOP-buildings-category warning/lang
- File:Korean Air Lines Flight 007 flight data.jpg
- File:Sextortionagent interview.ogg (the transcript needs to be translated into Spanish - please add Spanish subtitles)
- File:Fire Station 13.jpg
- File:Closed captioning symbol.svg (There is a short Spanish description, but the whole thing needs Spanish)
- File:Spanish wikipedia map.png
- File:Religion distribution Africa crop.png
- File:Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo with Obamas.jpg
- Template:Cargar imagen (Documentation needs to be in Spanish)
- File:Iberia Caravelle Fitzgerald.jpg
- File:Phila nBroad02.jpg
- File:Image-526169-galleryV9-qjfr.jpg
- File:US Navy 071124-N-8590G-012 The U.S. Air Force's 10th Airlift Squadron delivers pallets for Project Handclasp on aboard a C-17 Globemaster.jpg
- File:US Navy 070730-N-8704K-195 An MH-60S Seahawk from Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HCS) 28 is pulled off of a C-17 Globemaster belonging to the U.S. Air Force's 10th Airlift Squadron, at Comalopa.jpg
- File:US Navy 070730-N-8704K-205 An MH-60S Seahawk from Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HCS) 28 is pulled off of a C-17 Globemaster belonging to the U.S. Air Force's 10th Airlift Squadron, at Comalopa.jpg
- File:CheeseCounterCoyoacan.JPG
- File:PanelaOfferFONART.JPG
- File:"Putting an End to Nuclear Explosions" by CTBTO.jpg
- File:AMNEF.Maghrib2.png
- File:AMNEF._Maghrib.png
- File:Drowning child warning.jpg
- File:SuttonBush.jpg
- File:Frontera Brasil-Uruguay.JPG
- File:Dmitry Medvedev in Venezuela 27 November 2008-5.jpg
- File:20061010-8 p101006kh-0240-515h.jpg
- File:20061010-8 p101006kh-0240-515h.jpg
- File:George H. W. Bush, Laura Bush, George W. Bush 1997.jpg
- File:Muisca raft Legend of El Dorado Offerings of gold.jpg
- File:Prisoner population rate UN HDR 2007 2008.PNG
WhisperToMe (talk) 22:26, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
- {{OTRS received}} - please adjust to en to be properly displayed -- RE rillke questions? 21:58, 1 August 2011 (UTC)
- Think it is done - see Template_talk:OTRS_received#i18n. But a native Spanish may check it and then remove the note here. Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 22:56, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
- A new one:
- {{IMOcat}}
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:04, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- {{FoP-Belize}} Kaldari (talk) 20:44, 9 June 2014 (UTC)
English to Swedish
[edit]- Category:Passports of Finland (all images inside too, and subcategories and their images)
- File:Thai Caravelle Söderström.jpg
- File:Finlandduchy.jpg (Map of Finland)
- File:SAS MD-87 SE-DMA.jpg
- File:Juhannus-helsinki-2007-033.jpg
- File:Kesko HQ Helsinki 2010-05-25.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 01:13, 19 September 2012 (UTC)
- {{IMOcat}}
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:05, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Swahili
[edit]- File:Swahili-pn.jpg
- File:Carolus Magnus Schule-Burundi.jpg
- File:Religion distribution Africa crop.png
- File:Nairobi Kibera 07.jpg
- File:DRC Rwanda line.jpg
- File:Lamu door.jpg
- File:Moroni-Harbour.jpg
- File:Fortjesusdoor.JPG
- File:Bundesarchiv Bild 105-DOA0075, Deutsch-Ostafrika, Einheimisches Mädchen.jpg (has Swahili in Arabic script in the image)
WhisperToMe (talk) 05:04, 15 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:05, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to tagalog
[edit]- File:Garrote Execution - 1901.png
- File:GarroteExecution1901.jpg
- File:CongressBuilding SEATO.jpg
- File:SeattleTrashLeseRacBasura200511 KaihsuTai.jpg
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:05, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Tamil
[edit]- File:Quadrilingual Train Name written in Kannada-Hindi-Tamil-English.jpg
- File:Trisulam railway station nameboard.JPG
- File:Electrical danger sign.jpg
- File:IllegalWorkersSign-Singapore-20070316.jpg
- File:Tractors. Jan 2009 displacement in the Vanni.jpg
- File:Marakkanam Salt Pans.JPG
- File:Grace trilingual sign.jpg
- File:Quadrilingual danger sign - Singapore (gabbe).jpg
- File:SIA B777-212ER take-off.jpg
- File:Gall Trilingual Inscription.jpg
- File:Lee Kuan Yew Cohen.jpg
- File:Tractors. Jan 2009 displacement in the Vanni.jpg
- File:Virgin Hills Panorama.JPG
- File:Tire and memorial of Martin Air flight 138.jpg
- File:A Tire of Martin Air flight 138.jpg
- File:Memorial of Martin Air Flight 138.jpg
- File:Crash location of Martin Air Flight 138.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 21:23, 15 October 2012 (UTC)
English to Telugu
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 03:26, 24 September 2012 (UTC)
English or Portuguese to Tetum
[edit]Make sure all of the Portuguese course images have English translations of the text present in the images themselves!
- File:Kursu portuges 1.jpg
- File:Kursu portuges 2.jpg
- File:Kursu portuges 3.jpg
- File:Kursu_portuges_4.jpg - Already has English translation of Portuguese text within image
- File:Kursu portuges 5.jpg - Already has English translation of Portuguese text within image
- File:Kursu portuges 6.jpg
- File:Kursu portuges 7.jpg
- File:Kursu portuges 9.jpg
- File:Kursu portuges 10.jpg (the text in the image seems like it is only in Portuguese and Chinese??)
- File:Kursu portuges 12.jpg
- File:Kursu portuges 13.jpg
- File:Kursu portuges 14.jpg
- File:Kursu portuges 15.jpg
- File:Kursu portuges 16.jpg
- File:Línguas timorenses.JPG
- File:Leia livros timor.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 07:08, 8 September 2012 (UTC)
English to Thai
[edit]- File:Lauda cemetery.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 03:19, 8 June 2011 (UTC)
- File:Protesters at 2009 Bangkok Talks on Climate Change.jpg (Please also transcribe the signs)
- File:Thai Sky Airlines L-1011-1 HS-AXE DMK 2006-1-14.png
- File:Wikipedia for World Heritage logo th (03).png
- File:Wikipedia for World Heritage logo th (02).png
- File:Wikipedia for World Heritage logo th (01).png
- File:One-two-go-757-HS-DTA-070403-vcv-01-10.jpg
- File:VTBS-Thai Airways Check-in counters.JPG
- File:Steek.JPG (multilingual door sign)
- File:Thai Airways Airbus A300B4-622R HKT Prasertwit.jpg
- File:01 Thai Airways HS-TNC.jpg
- File:Thai Caravelle Söderström.jpg
- File:POWs Burma Thai RR.jpg
- File:CongressBuilding SEATO.jpg
- File:Akha cropped hires.JPG
- File:Marriage in Thailand.JPG
- File:Ronald mcdonald thailand.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 06:47, 9 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:05, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Tajik
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 06:44, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
Done --Z 10:29, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
- Thank you very much! WhisperToMe (talk) 23:52, 13 February 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:05, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Turkish
[edit]Hi! The images in the following category need Turkish descriptions:
- File:Ottoman revenge map after Balkan wars.jpeg
- Commons:Copyright rules by territory/Ottoman Empire
- File:Potpisnici londonskog mira.jpg
- File:Letter issued by Sultan Ahmed III assigning a dragoman to a visiting envoy.jpg
- File:Armenian population map 1896.jpg
- Category:Passports of Cyprus
- File:Hamidianmassacres.jpg
- File:1911 Ottoman Calendar.jpg
- File:Peran shops 1930.JPG
- File:Polonezkoy.JPG
- File:Gedenktafel Oberlandgarten 1 (Temp) Hatun Sürücü.JPG
- File:A postcard depicting Mustafa Kemal as a Muslim hero, with Ahmed Sharif as-Senussi (left) and Saladin (right).jpg
- File:Corendon office Lijnden.jpg
- File:Polonezkoy.JPG
- Turkish Airlines crash: File:Dc10-ta3a.png
- File:Greek demonastration Bitola 1908.JPG
- File:Wataniya Airways Airbus A320 Karakas.jpg
- File:IstanbulPitaBakery.jpg
- File:Constantinople late 19th century.jpg
- File:Oil wrestling match in the gardens of the Sultan's Palace.jpg
- File:Punch - The Dogs of War.png
- File:Zibik.jpg
- File:Instruction of the Ministery of the Interior on april 24.png
- File:OldmapofMecca.jpg
- File:Konstantin Makovsky - The Bulgarian martyresses.jpg
- File:Suleymanname 31b 2.jpg
- File:Suleymanname 31b.jpg
- File:Turkish Airlines Boeing 707 at Zurich - April 1976.jpg
- File:Calendar Thessaloniki 1896.jpg
- File:Wataniya Airways Airbus A320 Karakas.jpg
- File:Helios Airways Boeing 737-300 5D-DBY PRG 2005-3-31.png
- File:First female MPs of the Turkish Parliament (1935).jpg
- File:TC-ACZ in FRA.jpg
- File:Stèle du crash aérien de 1974 (parcelle 144).jpg
- File:NorthernCypriotOfficeLondon20060615 CopyrightKaihsuTai.jpg
- File:Ottoman_Syria_1918.png
- File:FEisalKingdom.png
Also the rest of the text at the page of Category:Turkish Airlines Flight 1951 also needs Turkish Thanks, WhisperToMe (talk) 00:26, 14 May 2010 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:05, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Turkmen
[edit]- File:Vladimir Putin in Iran 16-17 October 2007-9.jpg
- File:Dmitry Medvedev in Azerbaijan 18 November 2010-4.jpeg
WhisperToMe (talk) 05:47, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:05, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Uyghur
[edit]- File:Yining.jpg
- File:Xinjiang nationalities by prefecture 2000.png
- File:Khotan-ciber-d01.jpg
- File:Khotan-mercado-chicas-d01.jpg
- File:Mutton bbq.jpg
- File:China Xinjiang Airlines Ilyushin Il-86 Spijkers.jpg
- File:Military Museum of Xinjiang signboard in Uyghur-Mandarin.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 23:28, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:07, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Ukrainian
[edit]- File:Flag of Transnistria Republic.jpg
- File:Locomotive ChS4-072 2011 G1.jpg
- File:Msc 2009-Saturday, 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr-Dett 023 Tymoshenko.jpg WhisperToMe (talk) 15:28, 13 October 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:08, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Urdu
[edit]- File:Road Signs Islamabad.jpg -- WhisperToMe (talk) 09:40, 13 November 2010 (UTC)
- Everything in Category:Central Jail Faisalabad
- File:A lady at srinagar.JPG
- File:©India.Karnataka.Gulbarga.Railway Station.JPG
- File:Hamid Karzai, Pervez Musharraf, Fakhruddin Ahmed - WEF Annual Meeting Davos 2008.jpg
- File:Saudi Arabian Airlines Boeing 747-412 TF-AMV.jpg
- File:RAWA protest rally against Taliban in Peshawar April28-1998.jpg
- File:Prince or noble visiting the women's quarters or zenana.jpg
- File:Main building FJWU.JPG (full Urdu description that is a translation of the English)
- File:Digraphia in Hindustani.png
- File:UAE signboard.jpg
- File:New Delhi railway station board.jpg
- File:Pervez Musharraf - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2008 number3.jpg
- File:India map 1700 1792.jpg
- File:Gun workshop-darra adam khel.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 19:51, 22 February 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:09, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Uzbek
[edit]- File:Hamid Karzai at SCO Summit.jpg
- File:Putin and Hu JintaoPeace Mission 2007.jpg
- File:SCO Summit Ekaterinburg 2009.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 06:42, 26 December 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:09, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Vietnamese
[edit]- Category:Saint Joseph Condominium
- File:HoustonLamarHighSchooltexasMap.JPG
- File:LamarWE.jpg
- File:Diem dead.jpg
- File:Hanoi Citadel 0361.JPG
- File:General Vo Nguyen Giap.jpg
- File:My Tho, Vietnam. A Viet Cong base camp being. In the foreground is Private First Class Raymond Rumpa, St Paul, Minnesota - NARA - 530621 edit.jpg
- File:Vietnam engagement sign.jpg
- File:164 Schwarze Hmong.JPG
- File:CongressBuilding SEATO.jpg
- File:Steek.JPG (multilingual door sign)
- File:Áo dài hồ Gươm.jpg
- File:Pham Ngoc Minh at WEF.jpg
- File:Wikipedia for World Heritage logo vi.png
- File:Chantroimoi01.jpg
- File:Đồng Kỵ 06.jpg - There is the Vietnamese name of the village festival, but the Vietnamese needs to be synced w/ the English
- File:Bus Emergency Exit.JPG
- File:Pho-Beef-Noodles-2008.jpg
- File:Dien bien phu castor or siege deinterlaced.png
- File:Giap-Ho.jpg
- File:Đình La Xuyên, cây đa.JPG
- File:Vo Nguyen Giap 2008.jpg
- File:WestsideHSHoustonAir.JPG
- File:SeattleTrashLeseRacBasura200511 KaihsuTai.jpg (has some vietnamese from the Vietnamese Wikipedia, but currently incomplete)
- File:LeesSandwichesBellaireHouston.JPG
- File:MidtownHoustonVietnameseStreetSigns.JPG
WhisperToMe (talk) 05:27, 30 August 2010 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:09, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- File:2920_Stages_of_Childbirth-en.svg
English to Welsh
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 21:42, 15 March 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:10, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Wolof
[edit]- File:Corruption-Nouakchott.jpg
- File:Old and wise.jpg
- File:Hommes femmes et scènes du Sénégal-Jacques Grasset de Saint Sauveur mg 8495.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 01:07, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:10, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Xhosa
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 05:57, 31 October 2012 (UTC)
English to Yiddish
[edit]- File:NewSquareElectionSign.JPG
- File:Garment Workers on Strike, New York City circa 1913.jpg
- File:Page from Yiddish-Hebrew-Latin-German dictionary by Elijah Levita.jpg
WhisperToMe (talk) 07:35, 14 April 2012 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:10, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English to Yoruba
[edit]English to Zhuang
[edit]WhisperToMe (talk) 12:18, 11 September 2012 (UTC)
English to Zulu
[edit]File:DurbanSign1989.jpg -- WhisperToMe (talk) 22:32, 13 July 2010 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 00:11, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
English or German or French to as many languages as possible
[edit]Please also adopt the syntax of {{OTRS received/en}} on the existing translations.
Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 20:48, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
- Further info and discussion is at Template_talk:OTRS_received#i18n. --Saibo (Δ) 22:58, 21 August 2011 (UTC)
- {{FoP-Albania}} Please add the necessary subpages and update the navigation bar. Most of all, we would need an Albanian version that cites the original text of the law. De728631 (talk) 17:05, 3 March 2018 (UTC)
English or German or Chinese to as many languages as possible
[edit]Thanks. -- RE rillke questions? 19:38, 22 August 2011 (UTC)
Ukrainian to English
[edit]- File:Київська митрополія станом на 1683.png
- File:Канонічні території православних церков на 1683.png
- File:Політична карта Південно-Східної Європи на 1683 рік.png
- File:2014 Крим.PNG
- File:Kerch incident map.svg
Thank you! - tucoxn\talk 16:40, 8 March 2022 (UTC)
English to as many languages as possible
[edit]- {{UploadWizard}}. Uses LangSwitch, and it's just one line. Rd232 (talk) 22:20, 2 August 2011 (UTC)
- {{Personality rights}} - Current English version has changed and must be translated; Swedish template was already done. --George Ho (talk) 21:17, 11 January 2012 (UTC)
- {{Own based}} Thank you! --Angelus (talk) 12:37, 30 January 2012 (UTC)
- EO & RU =
Done - Thanks AVRS. --Angelus (talk) 14:37, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
- EO & RU =
- {{AustralianBureauStatistics}} is on over 40,000 files. Although these files are all about Australia, the graphs do not contain any English-specific labels or titles, so can be readily used in any language project. --99of9 (talk) 07:12, 3 September 2012 (UTC)
- {{Centralized discussion}}. Needs converting to {{Autotranslate}} first, and then be translated into many languages. Rd232 (talk) 21:47, 1 July 2011 (UTC)
- After seeing the file 2d political spectrum.png, which has several derivative works translated to other languages, created a SVG image without any text and the code to make it an annotated image with overlay text so the file could be used in any language and is also more accessible. Need translations of the code so it can be used in all languages. --Abel (talk) 03:13, 22 June 2012 (UTC)
- {{Convert to SVG}} - Uses {{Autotranslate}}, a new parameter was added so one line in the translations needs to be updated. I already used {{Please Translate}} but it's not automatically categorized since the translation is inside a (not parsed part of) a parser function. --Patrick87 (talk) 17:29, 26 May 2013 (UTC)
- {{GFDL-user-W}} Thank you! --Angelus(talk) 05:29, 31 March 2014 (UTC)
- {{According to external metadata}} – Translations belong in Template:According to external metadata/translations. This is a relatively new template intended to expand internationalization, but currently it only has English. Thanks, IagoQnsi (talk) 19:00, 23 September 2020 (UTC)
- Commons:Universal_Subtitles A how-to page to translate video subtitles: needs to be offered in multiple languages. Already added language/ and translate tags, if I may. Thank you, --Omotecho (talk) 04:31, 21 June 2023 (UTC)